Table 1.
The role of sirtuins in gastric cancer.
Name | Function | References |
SIRT1 | inhibits GC cell proliferation and tumor growth; GC growth and metastasis by FOXO1 and YAP signaling; participates in mitophagy; deacetylation of histone substrates, transcription factors and cofactors (p53, STAT3, DBC1, FOXO, c-Myc & Ku70); RSV prevents STAT3 and NF-κB activation; |
[64,67,74,75,76,77] |
SIRT2 | influences the migration and invasion of GC cells to metastatic niche; | [62] |
SIRT3 | inhibition of NOTCH1 expression; blocking SIRT3 expression promoted cell division and tumor growth; decreased HIF-1α and ROS production; promoting proliferation, glucose uptake, MnSOD activity; |
[78,79,80,81] |
SIRT4 | inhibiting cell proliferation, migration, and invasion; reduces the number of colonies formed by GC cells; stops the cell cycle in the G1 phase; |
[65,82] |
SIRT5 | promotes autophagy; reduces the number of colonies and the viability of GC cells; |
[83] |
SIRT6 | inhibits cell viability, proliferation, colony formation, and cell cycle; increases apoptosis; inhibits the JAK2/STAT3 pathway; |
[84] |
SIRT7 | promotes GC cells proliferation and growth; cell survival and migration; inhibits apoptosis; |
[30,63] |