Table A1.
PUBMED/MEDLINE: (ACL OR (anterior cruciate ligament) OR reconstruction OR (injury AND (repair OR surgery))) AND (rehabilitation OR physiotherapy OR (physical therapy) OR training OR exercise OR intervention OR treatment OR (standard rehabilitation program)) AND ((early phase) OR (acute phase) OR (initial phase)) AND (pain OR edema OR swelling OR (range of motion) OR ROM OR (muscle strength) OR (knee function) OR (knee activity)) WEB OF SCIENCE: (ACL OR (anterior cruciate ligament) OR reconstruction OR (injury AND (repair OR surgery))) AND (rehabilitation OR physiotherapy OR (physical therapy) OR training OR exercise OR intervention OR treatment OR (standard rehabilitation program)) AND ((early phase) OR (acute phase) OR (initial phase)) AND (pain OR edema OR swelling OR (range of motion) OR ROM OR (muscle strength) OR (knee function) OR (knee activity)) SCOPUS: (ACL OR (anterior cruciate ligament) OR reconstruction OR (injury AND (repair OR surgery))) AND (rehabilitation OR physiotherapy OR (physical therapy) OR training OR exercise OR intervention OR treatment OR (standard rehabilitation program)) AND ((early phase) OR (acute phase) OR (initial phase)) AND (pain OR edema OR swelling OR (range of motion) OR ROM OR (muscle strength) OR (knee function) OR (knee activity)) SCIENCE DIRECT: (ACL reconstruction) AND (rehabilitation OR physiotherapy) AND (early phase OR acute phase) AND (pain OR range of motion OR edema OR strength)))) |