FIG. 1.
(A) Pseudomonas clearance from the lungs of control C57BL/6J mice (normal-protein diet), PEM mice, and PEM-R mice (as defined in Materials and Methods). P. aeruginosa was delivered as aerosol (initial deposition was 2 × 106 to 8 × 106 CFU/g of lung tissue). Bacterial survival was expressed as the fraction of the initially deposited CFU (determined by sacrificing a group of animals immediately following exposure) remaining in the lung 18 h following infection (relative bacterial survival). (B) Pulmonary clearance in transgenic iNOS, TNF-α, and IFN-γ knockout mice. ∗∗, P < 0.01 (ANOVA post hoc t test; relative to control in panel A or relative to C57BL/6J in panel B).