Figure 3.
Decontamination of pesticide residues in vegetables: (a) acetamiprid residues (mg/kg), (b) percentage loss of acetamiprid residues in okra sample, (c) ethion residues (mg/kg), and (d) percentage loss of ethion residues in green chili sample (n = 3). [W0T0: treated unwashed control (non-ozonated); W1T1: washing with tap water for 3 min; W1T2: washing with tap water for 8 min; W1T3: washing with tap water for 10 min; W2T1: washing with ozonized water for 3 min; W2T2: washing with ozonized water for 8 min; W2T3: washing with ozonized water for 10 min; RD: recommended dose; 2RD: double to the recommended dose; mean ± Standard deviation (SD); percentage loss of acetamiprid and ethion residues over initial concentration recorded in control].