Table 3.
List of hepatic lipid metabolism model parameters proposed by Pratt et al. [35].
Parameter | Value | |
1. | αA (adipose tissue volume) | 15.60 L |
2. | αL (liver tissue volume) | 1.60 L |
3. | αM (skeletal muscle volume) | 26.4 L |
4. | β6 (rate of liver de novo lipogenesis from pyruvate) | 31.6 L/min |
6. | βf (adipose release of triacylglycerides to non-esterified fatty acids) | 0.117 mmol/min |
7. | βL (liver glycogenolysis) | 12 L/min |
8. | βm (muscle glycogenolysis) | 82.5 L/min |
9. | µamp (national adenosine monophosphate/adenosine diphosphate creation rate) | 1.8 |
10. | µb (lactate production by red blood cells) | 0.133 mmol/min |
11. | µe (muscle triglyceride breakdown to free fatty acids) | 0.420 mmol/min |
12. | µs (muscle free fatty acid esterification to triglycerides) | 7.19 × 106 L mmol/min |
13. | µ1 (plasma glucose usage) | 0.588 mmol/min |
14. | µ3 (muscle glucose-6-phospahte usage) | 7.839 × 107 L mmol/min |
15. | µ4 (muscle free fatty acid usage) | 100 L/min |
16. | c0 (small parameters) | 0.1 mmol/L |
17. | cc (range of glucose concentrations over which excess insulin secretion occurs) | 2.5 mmol/L |
18. | dba (adipose uptake of glucose) | 0.3 mmol/min |
19. | k10 (affinity for hydrolysis of triglycerides to secretory pool) | 0.625 mmol/L |
20. | k11 (basal insulin secretion rate) | 48 mmol/min |
21. | k12 (increased fraction of very low-density lipoprotein 1 secretion by insulin) | 0.2 |
22. | k13 (rate at which insulin modifies the fraction of very low-density lipoprotein 1 to very low-density lipoprotein 2 secretion) | 15 mmol/L |
23. | k14 (basal very low-density lipoprotein 1 secretion fraction) | 0.6 |
24. | k22 (excess insulin secretion rate due to glucose stimulation) | 48 mmol/min |
25. | k5 (flux control coefficient for insulin inhibition of free fatty acid oxidation) | 8.23 × 107/mmol |
26. | k6 (affinity for very low-density lipoprotein 2 triglyceride secretion through secretory pathway) | 0.3 mmol/L |
27. | k61 (liver glucose dephosphorylation rate) | 4 L/min |
28. | k6p (muscle glucose-6-phospahte to pyruvate conversion rate) | 6.56 × 108 L2/mmol min |
29. | k7 (maximum rate of free fatty acid oxidation) | 0.759 L/min |
30. | k8 (affinity for esterification of free fatty acids to triglycerides) | 0.625 mmol/L |
31. | k9 (affinity of additional bulk lipidation) | 43.583 mmol/L |
32. | k9a (release of very low-density lipoproteins from secretory pathway) | 1 L/min |
33. | ka (adipose free fatty acid uptake of chylomicron triglycerides, insulin independent) | 0.1497 L/min |
34. | kaa (adipose free fatty acid esterification to triglycerides) | 3.11 × 105 L2/mmol min |
35. | kai (adipose free fatty acid uptake of chylomicron triglycerides, insulin dependent) | 2.08 × 106 1/mmol |
36. | kal (pyruvate to acetyl coenzyme A conversion rate) | 0.00002 L2/mmol min |
37. | kba (adipose uptake of endogenous lipoprotein triglycerides) | 0.0104 L/min |
38. | kbl (liver uptake of plasma non-esterified fatty acids) | 0.156 L/min |
39. | kbm (muscle uptake of plasma non-esterified fatty acids) | 0.226 L/min |
40. | kcl (liver free fatty acid uptake of chylomicron triglycerides) | 0.0075 L/min |
41. | kcm (muscle free fatty acid uptake of chylomicron triglycerides) | 0.0449 L/min |
42. | kd (insulin degradation rate) | 1.733 × 1014 L/mmol |
43. | kdl (liver glycogenolysis; insulin-inhibited rate) | 3.5 × 188 mmol/L |
44. | kdy (muscle glycogenolysis; insulin-inhibited rate) | 4 × 108 L/mmol |
45. | kft (adipose release of triglyceride to non-esterified fatty acids; insulin-inhibited rate) | 1.67 × 1014 L/mmol |
46. | kga (rate of glucose diffusion between plasma and adipose mediated by glucose 4 transporters) | 1.67 × 106 |
47. | kgi (glucose diffusion between plasma and muscles, insulin-mediated) | 2.632 × 108 mmol/L |
48. | kgl (plasma glucose diffusion rate to liver) | 0.9277 mmol/L |
49. | kgl2 (live glucose diffusion rate to blood) | 0.396 mmol/L |
50. | kgm (plasma glucose diffusion rate to muscle) | 0.0380 mmol/L |
51. | kgm2 (muscle glucose diffusion rate to plasma) | 0.0380 mmol/L |
52. | kgp (glucose-6-phospahte uptake from adipose glycerol) | 0.311 L/min |
53. | klp (rate of plasma triglyceride uptake by adipose tissue) | 0.25 |
54. | kLG (Michaelis–Menten constant of glucokinase in liver) | 8.95 mmol/L |
55. | kLH (Michaelis–Menten constant of hexokinase in liver) | 0.0115 mmol/L |
56. | kMH (Michaelis–Menten constant of hexokinase in muscle) | 8.98 mmol/L |
57. | kna (rate of plasma free fatty acid uptake into adipose free fatty acids) | 0.0697 L/min |
58. | kp (rate of insulin-mediated glucose-6-phoshate to pyruvate) | 1.41 × 107 mmol/L |
59. | kp6 (constant of pyruvate conversion to glucose-6-phospate) | 6.56 × 108 L2/mmol min |
60. | kpp (rate of muscle pyruvate transport to liver) | 0.5 |
61. | kr (rate of endogenously derived lipoprotein triglycerides by liver as free fatty acids) | 0.00058 mmol |
62. | krep (glucose-6-phospahte inhibition constant of hexokinase in muscle) | 2.98 mmol/L |
63. | kt (uptake rate of plasma endogenous triglycerides into muscle free fatty acids) | 0.00348 mmol/L |
64. | kyl (rate of the glycogen synthesis stimulated by insulin) | 1.28 × 106 |
65. | kym (glycogen synthesis rate) | 21.3641 mmol/L |
66. | lmax (maximum glycogen store of liver) | 400 mmol |
67. | mmax (maximum glycogen concentration) | 100 mmol |
68. | v (rate of glycogen transport) | 7 mmol |
69. | v10 (rate of triglyceride storage conversion to free fatty acids) | 0.1 mmol/min |
70. | v12 (constant in triglyceride release into plasma) | 40 mmol L−1 |
71. | v6 (rate of liver free fatty acid input to secretory pool) | 0.0158 mmol/L |
72. | v8 (rate of free fatty acid input to storage pool) | 0.333 mmol/min |
73. | v9 (rate of triglyceride release into plasma)) | 0.0159 mmol/L |
74. | vLG (maximum rate of glucokinase in liver) | 14.3 mmol/min |
76. | vLH (maximum rate of hexokinase in liver) | 5.57 mmol/min |
76. | vMH (muscle hexokinase maximum rate) | 54.288 mmol/min |
77. | y0 (range of liver glycogen concentration over which the release drops to zero) | 0.1 |
78. | αG (rate of glucose change in diet) | 2 mmol |
79. | αF (rate of fructose change in diet) | 2 mmol/L |
80. | ms (insulin-dependent rate of skeletal muscle storage of free fatty acids in the form of triglycerides) | 0.8 |
81. | me (rate of skeletal muscle triglyceride breakdown to free fatty acids) | 0.9 |