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CDC trial: antibody responses in A. nancymai immunized with the yP30P2MSP119 FVO vaccine delivered in six non-Freund's adjuvants that are suitable for use in humansa

Vaccine formulation Aotus no. IIFb Estimated ELISA titerc
Pre Post
yP30P2MSP119 in:
 Alum AI1624 103 156 256
AI2125 10 550 662
AI2144 102 258 826
 SBAS2 AI2138 105 3,918 16,780
AI2153 104 1,658 4,678
AI0983 103 2,407 2,137
 Lipid A/liposomes AI1026 103 145 1,555
AI1052 104 579 5,504
AI2128 105 606 6,056
 Polyphazine AI0981 103 422 881
AI1615 104 647 742
AI2136 105 1,000 3,440
 Microspheres AI0932 103 6,439 ND
AI1567 105 584 3,926
 Montanide ISA 720 AI1599 103 1,319 2,339
AI2139 105 1,044 2,000
AI2143 103
Saline control AI1112 <10 23 38
AI1113 <10 28 36
AI2009 <10 46 58

Following P. falciparum (FVO) challenge, all monkeys in this trial reached a parasitemia of more than 5% and required treatment. 


Reaction against the FVO strain of P. falciparum. Sera were taken on the day of parasite challenge. 


Determined at A410 of 0.5 using yMSP119 QKNG as capture antigen. Pre, sera taken on the day of parasite challenge; Post, sera taken 4 weeks after the parasite challenge; ND, not determined.