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. 2022 Nov 29;19(23):15874. doi: 10.3390/ijerph192315874

Table 1.

Included studies and characteristics.

Author, Year Title Type of Data Discussed Distal Factors Wider Actions to Enable Improvements in Data Collection Data Collection Instruments, Systems, and Standardisation Methodological Approaches to Improve Data Quality and Accuracy
Abouzeid, M et al. 2014 [16] The potential for measuring ethnicity and health in a multicultural milieu—the case of type 2 diabetes in Australia Ethnicity
Allen, VC et al. 2011 [17] Issues in the Assessment of “Race” Among Latinos: Implications for Research and Policy Ethnicity
Anderson, ML et al. 2018 [18] Deaf Qualitative Health Research: Leveraging Technology to Conduct Linguistically and Sociopolitically Appropriate Methods of Inquiry Disability
Andrews, RM 2011 [19] Race and Ethnicity Reporting in Statewide Hospital Data: Progress and Future Challenges in a Key Resource for Local and State Monitoring of Health Disparities Ethnicity
Azar, KMJ et al. 2012 [20] Accuracy of Data Entry of Patient Race/Ethnicity/Ancestry and Preferred Spoken Language in an Ambulatory Care Setting Ethnicity
Becker, T et al. 2021 [21] Data Disaggregation with American Indian/Alaska Native Population Data Ethnicity
Berry C et al. 2013 [22] Moving to patient reported collection of race and ethnicity data Implementation and impact in ten hospitals Ethnicity
Beltran VM et al. 2011 [23] Collection of social determinants of health measures in U.S. national surveillance systems for HIV, viral hepatitis, STDs, and TB Infectious disease
Bilheimer LT et al. 2010 [24] Data and Measurement Issues in the Analysis of Health Disparities General
Block RG et al. 2020 [25] Recommendations for improving national clinical datasets for health equity research General
Blosnich JR et al. 2018 [26] Using clinician text notes in electronic medical record data to validate transgender-related diagnosis codes Gender
Bozorgmehr, K et al. 2017 [16] How Do Countries’ Health Information Systems Perform in Assessing Asylum Seekers’ Health Situation? Developing a Health Information Assessment Tool on Asylum Seekers (HIATUS) and Piloting It in Two European Countries General
Cahill SR et al. 2016 [27] Inclusion of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in Stage 3 Meaningful Use Guidelines: A Huge Step Forward for LGBT Health Gender
Chakkalakal RJ et al. 2015 [28] Standardized Data Collection Practices and the Racial/Ethnic Distribution of Hospitalized Patients Ethnicity
Chen Y et al. 2018 [29] Racial Differences in Data Quality and Completeness: Spinal Cord Injury Model Systems’ Experiences Ethnicity
Clarke LC et al. 2016 [30] Validity of Race, Ethnicity, and National Origin in Population-based Cancer Registries and Rapid Case Ascertainment Enhanced with a Spanish Surname List Ethnicity
Craddock L et al., 2016 [31] Assessing race and ethnicity data quality across cancer registries and EMRs in two hospitals Ethnicity
Cruz, TM 2020 [32] Perils of data-driven equity: Safety-net care and big data’s elusive grasp on health inequality General
Cruz, TM 2021 [33] Shifting Analytics within US Biomedicine: From Patient Data to the Institutional Conditions of Health Care Inequalities General
Davidson E et al., 2021 [34] Raising ethnicity recording in NHS Lothian from 3% to 90% in 3 years: processes and analysis of data from Accidents and Emergencies Ethnicity
Derose, SF et al. 2013 [35] Race and Ethnicity Data Quality and Imputation Using US Census Data in an Integrated Health System: The Kaiser Permanente Southern California Experience Ethnicity
Donald C and Ehrenfeld JM 2015 [36] The Opportunity for Medical Systems to Reduce Health Disparities Among Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex Patients Gender
Escarce, J et al. 2011 [37] Collection Of Race and Ethnicity Data By Health Plans Has Grown Substantially, But Opportunities Remain To Expand Efforts Ethnicity
Fortune, N et al. 2020 [38] The Disability and Wellbeing Monitoring Framework: data, data gaps, and policy implications Disability
Frank, J and Haw S 2011 [39] Best Practice Guidelines for Monitoring Socioeconomic Inequalities in Health Status: Lessons from Scotland Gender
Fremont, A et al. 2016 [40] When Race/Ethnicity Data Are Lacking: Using Advanced Indirect Estimation Methods to Measure Disparities Ethnicity
Haas, AP et al. 2015 [41] Collecting Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Data in Suicide and Other Violent Deaths: A Step Towards Identifying and Addressing LGBT Mortality Disparities Gender
Hannigan, A et al. 2019 [42] Ethnicity recording in health and social care data collections in Ireland: where and how is it measured and what is it used for? Ethnicity
Jorgensen S et al., 2010 [43] Responses of Massachusetts hospitals to a state mandate to collect race, ethnicity and language data from patients: a qualitative study Ethnicity
Khunti, K et al. 2021 [44] The need for improved collection and coding of ethnicity in health research Ethnicity
Knox et al. 2019 [45] The challenge of using routinely collected data to compare hospital admission rates by ethnic group: a demonstration project in Scotland Ethnicity
Liu, L et al. 2011 [46] Challenges in Identifying Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders in Population-Based Cancer Registries in the U.S. Ethnicity
Mathur et al., 2013 [47] Completeness and usability of ethnicity data in UK-based primary care and hospital databases Ethnicity
Pinto, AD et al. 2016 [48] Building a Foundation to Reduce Health Inequities: Routine Collection of Sociodemographic Data in Primary Care General
Polubriaginof, FCG et al. 2019 [49] Challenges with quality of race and ethnicity data in observational databases Ethnicity
Ryan et al. 2012 [50] Use of name recognition software, census data and multiple imputation to predict missing data on ethnicity: application to cancer registry records Ethnicity
Russell AM et al. 2017 [51] Identifying people with a learning disability: an advanced search for general practice Learning disability
Saperstein, A. 2012 [52] Capturing complexity in the United States: which aspects of race matter and when? Ethnicity
Shah, SN et al. 2014 [53] Measuring and Monitoring Progress Toward Health Equity: Local Challenges for Public Health General
Siegel, B et al. 2012 [54] A Quality Improvement Framework for Equity in Cardiovascular Care: Results of a National Collaborative General
Smith L et al., 2017 [55] Comparison of ethnic group classification using naming analysis and routinely collected data: application to cancer incidence trends in children and young people Ethnicity
Smylie, J and Firestone M 2015 [56] Back to the basics: Identifying and addressing underlying challenges in achieving high quality and relevant health statistics for indigenous populations in Canada Ethnicity
Tan-McGrory, A et al. 2018 [57] A patient and family data domain collection framework for identifying disparities in pediatrics: Results from the pediatric health equity collaborative General
Thorlby R et al. 2011 [58] How Health Care Organizations Are Using Data on Patients’ Race and Ethnicity to Improve Quality of Care Ethnicity
Wang KR et al. 2020 [59] Information Loss in Harmonizing Granular Race and Ethnicity Data: Descriptive Study of Standards Ethnicity
Webster P and Sampangi S, 2014 [60] Did We Have an Impact? Changes in Racial and Ethnic Composition of Patient Populations Following Implementation of a Pilot Program Ethnicity
Wei-Chen, L et al. 2016 [61] Improving the Collection of Race, Ethnicity, and Language Data to Reduce Healthcare Disparities: A Case Study from an Academic Medical Center General
Wolff, M et al. 2017 [62] Measuring Sexual Orientation: A Review and Critique of US Data Collection Efforts and Implications for Health Policy Gender
Zhang XZ et al. 2019 [63] Role of Health Information Technology in Addressing Health Disparities Patient, Clinician, and System Perspectives General
Hutt P and Gilmour S 2010 [64] Tackling inequalities in general practice General
Scottish Government 2020 [65] Improving data and evidence on ethnic inequalities in health: Initial advice and recommendations from the expert reference group on ethnicity and COVID-19 Ethnicity
NHS England, 2020 [66] Advancing mental health equalities strategy General
NHS, 2019 [67] NHS Mental Health Implementation Plan 2019/20–2023/24 General
NHS Race and Health Observatory, 2021 [68] Ethnic health inequalities and the NHS: Driving progress in a changing system Ethnicity
Scobie S, Spencer J and Raleigh V, 2021 [4] Ethnicity coding in English health service datasets Ethnicity
NHS England, 2019 [69] Improving identification of people with a learning disability: guidance for general practice Learning disability
National Services Scotland, 2017 [70] Measuring use of health services by equality group General
Total citations 57 26 28 43 27