Figure 8.
Transfection efficacy studies. The PANC-1 (a–c) and 293T (d) cells were transfected with RGD-R6p-0,75/DNA and RGD0-R6p-0,75/DNA polyplexes at 8/1 and 12/1 charge ratios with pCMV-LacZ plasmid (a,d,e) and pEXPR-IBA5-eGFP plasmid (b,c). A 10-fold excess of free cRGD molecules were added to the cells for competition transfection studies (d). Reporter lacZ gene expression is given as milliunits (mU) per milligram of protein (a,d,e). GFP gene expression is given as a percentage of GFP-positive cells according to flow cytometry (b). The typical appearance of GFP-positive cells is shown on fluorescent microscopic images (c). Values are the mean ± SEM of the mean of triplicates (** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001).