Mice were sensitized with a 100 μg i.p. injection of human IgE mAb. Three days later, mice were injected i.p. with 50 μg of filarial antigens or a control allergen (10% peanut extract). Body temperature over 90 minutes was monitored using an implanted temperature probe. a, Mice were sensitized with a 100 μg i.p. injection of human IgE mAb 5H1 and challenged with TTR_76, TTR_79, or 10% peanut extract. b, Mice were sensitized with 5H1 or 18H7 or both and challenged with TTR_79, TTR_62, or 10% peanut extract. Change in body temperature of experimental compared to control allergen groups at each time point using a paired 2-tailed t test assuming unequal variance. Time points with calculated P values <0.05 are highlighted by an asterisk. Data are means ± SEM of each experimental group. The number of mice (n) for each experimental group is shown.