Figure 2.
AcAF Attenuates T Cell Activation 1 and 3 days after PHA Stimulation CD69+ and CD25+ cells were gated from CD3+ T cell population. Cells expressing CD69, CD25, and both CD69 and CD25 were analyzed within T cell population following (A) 1-day PHA stimulation and (B) 3-day PHA stimulation in each group and graphed as percentages of the PHA vehicle control group. (Data graphed as mean ± SD; One way ANOVA with Tukey’s test; n=3-4 replicates for each group; ns=not significant; *=p<.05; **=p<.01; ****=p<.0001; Data is derived from 3 separate experiments. Each experiment used 1 independent PBMC donor treated with 1 of 3 acAF donors).