Figure 1.
Venn diagram shows high overlap of depression, SSD, and anxiety in PWE.
Among the 749 PWE, 189 people (25%) were diagnosed with depression, 183 patients (24%) were diagnosed with SSD, and 157 patients (21%) were diagnosed with anxiety. According to the overlap of the three emotional disorders, 40 patients with comorbid depression, 65 patients with comorbid SSD, 15 patients with comorbid anxiety, 15 patients with comorbid SSD and anxiety, 46 patients with comorbid depression and anxiety, 22 patients with comorbid SSD and depression, and 81 patients with comorbid SSD and anxiety and depression. According to the number of comorbid emotional disorders, there were 120 PWE with one comorbid emotional disorder, 83 PWE with two comorbid emotional disorders, and 81 PWE with three comorbid emotional disorders.