Fig. 3.
Comparison of RNA-Seq DEGs induced by DCA between paired FROZ and FFPE liver tissue samples reveal few DEGs in FFPE samples across all dose levels. A. Regression analysis of the intersection in log2-transformed fold-change values in DEGs between paired RNA-Seq FFPE and RNA-Seq FROZ liver tissue samples induced by DCA at 427 mg/kg-d vs. vehicle control B. Total RNA-Seq DEGs induced by DCA in paired FROZ and FFPE tissue samples and overlap in DEGs relative to FROZ samples. DEGs were defined with these parameters: absolute value (fold change)> 2, FDR-adjusted p-value< 0.05. Percent DEG overlap calculated as DEG Overlap/(FFPE + FROZ DEGs)* 100. Percent FFPE DEG in FROZ calculated as (DEG Overlap/FROZ DEGs)* 100. Abbreviations. DEG-differentially expressed genes, DCA- dichloroacetic acid, FFPE-formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded, FROZ-frozen, RNA-Seq- RNA-Sequencing, FDR- false discovery rate.