Microscopic sections of the liver (A, A”), kidneys (B, B”), heart (C, C”), spleen (D, D”), adrenals (E, E”), brain (F, F”), and ovaries (G, G”) in female rats. A-F represent the results of the control group. A”- F” represent the results of the high dose group. CV: central vein, HSN: hepatic sinusoids; HE: hepatocytes; BD: bile duct; GL: glomerulus; CT: convoluted tubules; VE: vessel; CMF: cardiomyofiber; PALS: periarteriolar lymphoid sheath; MZ: marginal zone, RP: red pulp; ME: medulla; CO: cortex; DG: dentate gyrus; HP: hippocampus; FPC: fronto parietal cortex; CL: corpus luteum; IC: interstitial cells; GF: graafian follicle; GRF: growing follicle. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)