Results from study 1 (pupillometry session). Violin plots show the self-reported task difficulty levels in panel (A) and percent correct task performance scores (RAU) in panel (B). The white dots indicate the group medians for each condition. Between 0 and 10, larger numbers indicate greater task difficulty levels. ‘*’ with connection lines indicate the significance of pairwise comparison results with ‘*’ for p < 0.05, ‘**’ for p < 0.01, and ‘***’ for p < 0.001. Panel (C) plots the group means (lines) and standard error of the means (SEMs, shaded areas) of proportional pupil dilation. The two blue lines indicate the window within which the peaks of proportional pupil dilation were identified. Panel (D) plots the peak of proportional pupil dilation for individuals (dots) in the shuffled (S), vocoded (V), shuffled-vocoded (SV), and vocoded-interrupted (VI) conditions; the white dots indicate the median results for each condition. The repeated measure correlations between the peaks of pupil dilation and self-reported task difficulty levels and task performance scores in individuals are shown in panels (E) and (F), respectively. Gray dots and lines show results in individuals in four conditions. The orange lines in panels (E) and (F) indicate the common association between pupillometry measures and behavioral measures among individuals. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)