Fig. 2.
ZDP and APE2 promote the transcription of MIR genes. A Transcript levels of 4 pri-miRNAs in 2-week-old seedlings of Col-0, zdp-1/ape2-2, and zdp-1/ape2-3 plants. EF1α was used as the internal control. Error bars represent standard deviation calculated on the basis of 3 independent replicates. Statistically significant differences between different genotypes are indicated by different lower case letters (P < 0.05, one-way ANOVA per gene, performed separately). B GUS staining of samples harbouring a pMIR159b::GUS in Col-0 or zdp-1/ape2-2 background. Scale bar, 0.2 cm. C GUS transcript level was determined by RT‒qPCR in samples harbouring a pMIR159b::GUS in Col-0 and zdp-1/ape2-2 background. EF1α was used as the internal control. Asterisks indicate significant differences in GUS expressions between plants with Col-0 and zdp-1/ape2-2 mutant background (Student's t test, **P < 0.01). D Transcription rates of MIR163, MIR165a, and MIR171a in Col-0 and zdp-1/ape2-2 plants, as measured by nuclear run-on assay and RT‒qPCR. EF1α was used as the internal control. Asterisks indicate significant differences in relative expression level of MIR transcripts between Col-0 and zdp-1/ape2-2 plants (Student's t test, **P < 0.01)