Fig. 12.
Whole-body spatially resolved MSI analysis of drug and metabolites. (A). MALDI-MSI determining olanzapine and metabolite distribution at 2 h post oral administration of 8 mg/kg olanzapine in a whole rat sagittal tissue section. Optical image of a dosed rat tissue section, organs are outlined in red (A-A). MS ion images of olanzapine (m/z 256) (A-B), N-desmethyl metabolite (m/z 256) (A-C), and 2-hydroxymethyl metabolite (m/z 272) (A-D) are displayed. Bar, 1 cm. Ion intensity: blue being low intensity and white being high intensity. Reprinted with permission from [113]. Copyright 2022 ACS. (B). Detection of acetaminophen and metabolite distribution under different conditions by MALDI-MSI on whole-body sections from rats after intravenous administration of 300 mg/kg acetaminophen. Spatial resolution: 400 μm. (B-A) Optical image of the section. (B-B) Negative ionization mode without on-tissue chemical derivatization (OTCD). (B-C) Positive ionization mode without OTCD. (B-D) Positive ionization mode with OTCD. (E) Zoom on positive ionization mode with OTCD. Reprinted with permission from [114]. Copyright 2022 ACS.