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. 2022 May 18;21(6):e12811. doi: 10.1111/gbb.12811


Age‐specific differences between research groups on executive functions

3‐ to 4‐year‐olds 5‐ to 7‐year‐olds
SCT Controls Statistical test results SCT Controls Statistical test results
M (SD) M (SD) F p d M (SD) M (SD) F p d
Neurocognitive skills
Global executive function skills (MEFS) 39.54 (24.40) 35.89 (25.31) 0.436 0.511 58.93 (19.47) 74.80 (14.84) 10.371 0.002 0.9
Verbal executive function skills (NEPSY) 10.59 (2.21) 11.86 (2.36) 5.555 0.021 0.5 8.71 (3.09) 11.31 (2.78) 10.449 0.002 0.9
Overall executive functions (BRIEF GEC)
Total daily life executive functioning 55.02 (11.75) 50.77 (9.07) 4.608 0.066 0.4 54.29 (11.99) 44.35 (9.64) 11.592 0.001 0.9
Domains of executive functions (BRIEF indices)
Inhibitory‐self‐control 52.66 (11.37) 49.81 (8.54) 1.691 0.197 53.40 (14.17) 43.65 (10.65) 8.255 0.006 0.8
(Emergent) Metacognition 56.15 (11.34) 51.35 (9.49) 4.439 0.038 0.5 55.33 (13.02) 45.31 (9.14) 10.787 0.002 0.9
Flexibility 54.27 (12.45) 50.49 (9.44) 2.475 0.120 N/A N/A
Behavioral specific executive functions (BRIEF subscales)
Emotional control 53.56 (12.33) 49.30 (8.44) 3.441 0.067 0.4 56.55 (12.83) 44.85 (9.80) 14.512 0.001 1.0
Working memory 56.95 (11.53) 51.09 (10.13) 6.134 0.015 0.5 56.38 (11.26) 46.27 (9.34) 13.304 0.001 1.0
Plan and organize 54.10 (11.29) 51.63 (8.30) 1.313 0.255 50.58 (10.59) 43.62 (6.68) 8.423 0.005 0.8
Initiate (only 5+) N/A N/A 53.10 (11.22) 47.15 (8.04) 4.928 0.031 0.6
Organization of materials (only 5+) N/A N/A 52.33 (12.83) 48.96 (9.51) 1.216 0.275
Monitor (only 5+) N/A N/A 49.68 (10.35) 45.54 (8.26) 2.709 0.105

Note: Higher scores reflect better performance for MEFS and NEPSY assessments, lower scores on the BRIEF reflect better functioning. Different standardized scores are used for each measure: MEFS included percentile scores; NEPSY included scaled scores with a mean of 10, SD of 3; BRIEF included T‐scores with a mean of 50, SD of 10. Significant values are indicated in bold .

Abbreviations: BRIEF, Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function; CG, control group; GEC, general executive composite; MEFS, Minnesota Executive Function Scale; NEPSY, NEPSY‐II Developmental Neuropsychological Assessment; SCT, sex chromosome trisomy.