Table 1.
The list of included studies on skin disease therapeutic effects with N. sativa.
Authors/years | Study design | Type of skin disease | Age | Sample size | Forms of drug use | Dosage | Duration | Improvement frequency | Clinical score index before/after treatment | References |
Stern et al./2002 | Prospective | Atopic dermatitis | Nr | 20 | Topical (ointment) | 15% black seed oil other daily | 4 weeks | Nr | 1.71/1.01% | [10] |
Kalus et al./2003 | Double-blinded RCT | Atopic eczema | 6–19 | 63 | Oral (500 mg capsule) | Seed oil (40 mg/kg) three times a day | 8 weeks | Invention group = 25/41, control = 9/22 | Nr | [11] |
Rezaei et al./2005 | Double-blinded RCT | Wart | 12–18 | 291 | Topical (ointment) | 30 g crude extract twice daily | 6 weeks | Invention group = 42/43, control = 10/20 | Nr | [12] |
Nawab et al./2008 | Before and after | Eczema | 10–70 | 30 | Topical (lotion) | 25 mg oil 4 times a day | 6 weeks | Nr | Eczema severity (itching) = 30/9 (papules) 19/4 | [13] |
Al-Harchon/2010 | Single-blind RCT | Acne vulgaris | 13–23 | 93 | Topical (lotion) | 10% oil twice daily | 8 weeks | Invention group = 25/47, control = 3/38 | Nr | [14] |
Nilforoushzadeh et al./2010 | Double-blinded RCT | Acute cutaneous leshmaniasis | 20/81 ± 12/26 | 150 | Topical (lotion) | 60% oil twice daily | 12 weeks | Invention group = 61/75, control = 48/75 | Nr | [15] |
Yousefi et al./2013 | Double-blinded RCT | Eczema | 18–60 | 60 | Topical (lotion) | 1 g seed oil twice daily | 4 weeks | Nr | Nr | [16] |
Bashar et al./2014 | Double-blind, RCT | Arsenical keratosis | 20–36 | 36 | Oral (500 mg) | Seed oil | 8 weeks | Nr | Palmar arsenical keratosis: 99.3 ± 21.5 and 62.3 ± 14.3 | [17] |
Ahmed Jawad et al./2014 | RCT | Psoriasis | 50–70 | 60 | Topical (ointment), oral | Crude extract (10% (w/w) and 500 mg capsule) three times daily | 12 weeks | Nr | PASI (psoriasis area and severity index) score in group 1: 9.0 ± 3.7/4.3 ± 2.0, group 2: 9.9 ± 3.4/5.4 ± 2.7, Group 3: 10.9 ± 2.7/4.2 ± 1.7 | [18] |
Ghorbanibirgani et al./2014 | Double blind, RCT | Vitiligo | 43.65 ± 3.21 | 52 | Topical (lotion) | 100 g seed oil | 24 weeks | Nr | Vitiligo area scoring index in control group: 4.98 ± 4.81/4.62 ± 4.36, in invention 4.98 ± 4.81/3.75 ± 3.91 | [19] |
Rafati et al./2014 | RCT | Infant skin infections | 6–11 days | 60 | Topical (lotion) | 33% oil three times a day | 4 days | Nr | Nr | [20] |
Rafati et al./2019 | Double-blinded, RCT | Acute radiation dermatitis | ≥18 years | 62 | Topical (gel lotion) | 50 g gel lotion 5% twice a day | 6 weeks | Nr | Nr | [21] |
Sarac et al./2019 | Clinical trials with a pre- and a post-treatment | Vitiligo | 20–85 | 33 | Topical (cream) | Oil/twice a day | 24 weeks | Invention group = 23/33 | Nr | [22] |
Soleymani et al./2020 | Double-blind RCT | Acne | 14–35 | 60 | Topical (gel lotion) | 1% oil/twice a day | 8 weeks | Nr | Comedone number invention = 8.07 ± 6.142/1.11 ± 1.812, in control + 8.87 ± 5.526/8.44 ± 5.437, papule number invention: 11.47 ± 6.426/1.89 ± 1.729, in control = 8.43 ± 4.116/7.31 ± 4.306 | [23] |
Nr: not reported.