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. 2022 Sep 29;13(6):2820–2834. doi: 10.1002/jcsm.13089

Table 1.

Differential diagnosis ophthalmoparesis and/or ptosis.

Hereditary disorders Ptosis Ophthalmoparesis Diplopia Asymmetry Pain Fluctuating Most frequently involved EOM* Other symptoms
CFEOM 1 Yes Yes No No No No LPS, SR (depends on affected nerves) 1 , 10 , 11 , 12 No
Duane syndrome 9 , 13 Yes Yes No No No No LPS, LR, MR (aberrant innervation) No
Blepharophimosis syndrome (BPES) 9 , 13 Yes No No No No No LPS Horizontal narrowing of the eyelids, epicanthus inversus, lacrimal duct abnormalities
Marcus‐Gunn syndrome 9 , 13 Yes No No No No No LPS Upper eye lid retraction when chewing or laughing.

Presynaptic congenital myasthenic syndromes 14 : Congenital Lambert–Eaton‐like, choline acetyltransferase deficiency, reduced quantal release, paucity of synaptic vesicles and reduced quantal release

Yes Rare No No No No Other muscles
Synaptic congenital myasthenic syndromes 14 : Endplate AChE deficiency, CMS with LAMB2 mutation Yes Yes No No No No LPS, LR, SR, IO 4 Other muscles
Post‐synaptic congenital myasthenic syndromes 14 : Slow channel syndrome, AChR deficiency, fast channel syndrome, Rapsyn deficiency, plectin deficiency, Dok‐7 myasthenia Yes Yes Rare No No No LPS, LR, SR, IO 4 Other muscles
Progressive external ophthalmoplegia 7 Yes Yes Half of patients 15 No No No LPS, SR 7 Other muscles and organs (heart)
Pompe disease 16 Yes No No Yes No No LPS 16 Other muscles
OPMD 8 Yes Yes Rare 17 No No No LPS, SR, LR 8 Pharyngeal and leg muscles
Myotonic dystrophy Type 1 18 , 19 Yes Rare 20 , 21 No No No No LPS (cases of LR and MR). 21 Other muscles
Centronuclear myopathy 22 , 23 Yes Yes No No No No LPS, SR, LR 22 , 23 Other muscles
Acquired disorders Ptosis Ophthalmoparesis Diplopia Asymmetry Pain Fluctuating Most frequently involved EOM* Other symptoms
Progressive supranuclear palsy No Yes No No No No SR, IO, IR, SO 24 Parkinsonism, balance, dementia, bulbar symptoms
Internuclear ophthalmoparesis (MS/stroke) No Yes Yes No No No MR Other CNS symptoms and nystagmus
Wernicke encephalopathy Rare Yes Yes No No No LR 25 Encephalopathy and ataxia. Predominantly nystagmus.
Brain stem tumour 26 Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Location dependent. Other cranial nerves and lateralized CNS symptoms
Miller–Fisher syndrome 27 Yes Yes Yes No No No LR > LPS, SR, IR, MR 27 Vestibular and facial
Recurrent painful ophthalmoplegic neuropathy Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No LPS, SR, IR, MR, IO (N. III) 28 Attacks of headache
Horner syndrome Yes No No Yes No No No EOM (superior tarsal muscle) 29 Anhidrosis and myosis
Tolosa–Hunt syndrome 30 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No LPS, SR, IR, MR, IO (N. III) orLR (N. VI) 3 No
Diabetic mononeuropathy 31 Rare Yes Yes Yes No No

LPS, SR, IR, MR, IO (N. III) or LR (N. VI) 31

Transient palsy. Presence of diabetes.
Autoimmune LEMS 14 , 32 , 33 Yes Rare 34 Yes Yes No Yes LPS 32 Other muscles and autonomic
Autoimmune myasthenia gravis 14 Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes LPS, IO, SR > LR, MR 35 , 36 , 37 Other muscles (bulbar, neck)
Botulism 38 , 39 Yes Yes Yes No No No LPS 39 Other muscles
Acetylcholinesterase intoxication 40 Yes Yes Yes No No No Unknown Other muscles
Orbital lymphoma Rare Yes Yes Yes Rare No Location dependent. 41 Depends on localization
Idiopathic Orbital myositis 42 Rare Yes Yes Yes Yes No LR, SR, MR, IR 43 , 44 Chemosis, Proptosis. Involvement of lacrimal gland and orbital fat.
IgG4‐related disease of the orbit 45 , 46 Rare Yes Yes Yes Yes No LR 47 > IR, SR 43 , 48 Proptosis. Involvement of lacrimal gland, orbital fat and nerves.
Thyroid orbitopathy/Graves' disease 49 , 50 No Yes Yes Yes Yes No IR, MR, SR 43 , 44 Eyelid retraction, proptosis and thyroid involvement.
Systemic auto‐inflammatory diseases 45 , 51 No Rare Rare Yes Yes No Involvement of other organs
Rare presentation of amyloidosis 52 No Rare Rare Yes Rare No LR, MR 52 Other organs

Note: Symptomatology is described as the presence of ptosis, ophthalmoparesis, diplopia, asymmetrical symptoms, pain, fluctuating symptoms and the presence of other non‐ocular symptoms. The frequently involved extra‐ocular muscle (EOM) are mentioned for each disease (* a more specific description of the EOM involvement pattern can be found in Table S1 ). The neuromuscular diseases are categorized in acquired and hereditary, and then clustered by the localization of the pathology.

Abbreviations: IO, inferior oblique muscle; IR, inferior rectus muscle; LPS, levator palpebrae superior; LR, lateral rectus muscle; MR, medical rectus muscle; OPMD, oculo‐pharyngeal muscular dystrophy; SO, superior oblique muscle; SR, superior rectus muscle.