Cisplatin exposure causes acute increases in mitochondrial calcium levels and ROS production. Maximum-intensity projections of confocal images show mitoGCaMP3 and CellROX Deep Red fluorescence within neuromasts of Tg(myo6b:mitoGCaMP3) zebrafish treated with DMSO (A – C) and 250 μM cisplatin (D – F). Zebrafish treated with cisplatin demonstrate elevated levels of relative mitoGCaMP3 intensity (G, **p = 0.0074, Mann-Whitney U test, n = 32 – 34 zebrafish, N = 8 experimental trials) and increased CellROX Deep Red intensity (H, *p = 0.014, Mann-Whitney U test, n = 26 – 27 zebrafish, N = 7 experimental trials). Error bars = 95% CI.