Figure 6. Glutamic acid and aspartic acid decrease in serum after doxycycline treatment in patients with rosacea.
(A) The relative abundance of each metabolite classes in different groups is shown in the stacked bar chart. (B) PLS-DA score plots from healthy control (n = 63) and rosacea group before medication and rosacea group after treatment (n = 57). (C) Pathway analysis bubble plot by hsa set using identified differential metabolites between rosacea group before medication and rosacea group after treatment. (D) Box plot of serum glutamic acid and aspartic acid levels in different groups. Box plots show the interquartile range (box), median (line), and minimum and maximum (whiskers). (E) Venn diagram of possible targets of doxycycline. (F) Volcano plot of differentially expressed genes from the transcriptome of the liver from doxycycline-treated and vehicle control–treated rats. (G) Volcano plot of differential metabolites of patients with rosacea before and after doxycycline administration. (H) Network diagram of multiomics analysis of network pharmacology, transcriptomics, and metabolomics. Data represent the mean ± SEM.**P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001. One-way ANOVA with Bonferroni’s post hoc test was used. HC, healthy control (blue); Rosacea_0 w, rosacea patients before medication (red); Rosacea_8 w, rosacea patients after 8-week of doxycycline treatment (green).