mQTLs at MUC5B and DSP loci co-localize with genetic signal. (A) Box plots for MUC5B (cg17589883) and DSP (cg08964675) mQTLs. Normalized methylation β refers to β values of DNA methylation level measured on Illumina arrays (scale 0–1) after SeSame data preprocessing and normalization. mQTL analysis was performed in 202 controls and 345 cases with the following genotype breakdown. MUC5B rs35705950: 165 GG, 35 GT, and 2 TT in controls and 160 GG, 164 GT, and 21 TT in IPF. DSP rs2076295: 61 TT, 89 GT, and 52 GG in controls and 88 TT, 149 GT, and 108 GG in IPF. (B) Mirror plots for co-localization of mQTL (top) with genetic signal (bottom) at MUC5B and DSP loci. CLPP = co-localization posterior probability; IPF = idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis; mQTL = methylation quantitative trait loci.