Table 6.
Clinical prescribing errors associated with actual harm (actual ADEs) for control and short-term intervention periods.
Prescribing errors with actual harm | Control—Paper (number of errors with actual harm = 14) | Intervention—First 70 days of eMM (number of errors with actual harm = 26) |
per 1000 orders | 1.45 [95% CI 0.87–2.44] | 1.55 [95% CI 1.06–2.28] |
per 1000 errors | 10.01 [95% CI 5.97–16.73] | 8.84 [95% CI 6.04–12.92] |
per 1000 patient-days | 2.66 [95% CI 1.59–4.47] | 3.10 [95% CI 2.12–4.54] |
per 100 admissions | 0.79 [95% CI 0.47–1.32] | 1.13 [95% CI 0.77–1.65] |
Denominator numbers are presented in Table 1.
eMM electronic medication management system, CI confidence interval (binomial Wilson method).