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. 2022 Jun 24;10(1):48–60. doi: 10.1002/nop2.1277


Comparison between control and intervention groups at baseline (depending on socio‐demographic characteristics)

Variables Group Total (N = 119), Mean ± SD (range)
Control (N = 56), Mean ± SD Experimental (N = 63), Mean ± SD
N % N % N %
Age (years) 82.91 ± 6.86 80.79 ± 5.38 81.79 ± 6.27 (66–94)
Male 13 23.2 15 23.8 28 23.5
Female 43 76.8 48 76.2 91 76.5
Marital status
Married 6 10.7 14 22.2 20 16.8
Separated 4 7.1 5 7.9 9 7.6
Single 6 10.7 4 6.3 10 8.4
Widowed 40 71.4 40 63.5 80 67.2
Living with others at home
Spouse or partner 6 10.7 11 17.5 17 14.3
Without a partner, but forming the nuclear family with a child or other family member 4 7.1 5 7.9 9 7.6
Living alone 46 82.1 46 73.0 92 77.3
Without a partner, but lives with other non‐relatives 0 0.0 1 1.6 1 0.8
Education level
No studies 24 42.9 23 36.5 47 39.5
Incomplete primary school 17 30.4 24 38.1 41 34.5
Primary school graduate 10 17.9 16 25.4 26 21.8
Secondary school 5 8.9 0 0.0 5 4.2
Last occupation held
External 35 62.5 45 71.4 80 67.2
Internal 20 35.7 18 28.6 38 31.9
Unknown 1 1.8 0 0.0 1 0.8
Financial condition (difficulties)
Rarely or almost never 32 57.1 34 54.0 66 55.5
From time to time 12 21.4 14 22.2 26 21.8
Often 8 14.3 6 9.5 14 11.8
Many times 4 7.1 9 14.3 13 10.9
Receive financial help
Yes 15 26.8 23 36.5 38 31.9
No 41 73.2 40 63.5 81 68.1
Having people helping
Yes 38 71.7 39 66.1 77 68.8
No 15 28.3 20 33.9 35 31.3
Their relationship with family and friends meets their expectations
Yes 28 53.9 19 32.2 47 42.3
No 24 46.2 40 67.8 64 57.7

Abbreviation: SD, Standard deviation.