Screening potential targets of AO against AD and its corresponding phytochemicals. (A) Number of AO targets correlated with Aβ pathology, tau pathology, Aβ and tau pathology, respectively. (B) Venn diagram showing overlapping targets between the Alzheimer’s disease (hsa05010) and AO targets. (C) Top 20 significantly enriched Disease Ontology (DO) terms are shown as a bubble diagram. DO terms with corrected p-value < 0.05 were considered significantly enriched. X-axis, rich factor (the ratio of targets in the background terms). Bubble size, the number of genes enriched. Bubble color, –Log10 (p-value). (D) UpSetR plot highlights the intersection of AO targets associated with AD pathology, Alzheimer’s disease (hsa05010) and Alzheimer’s disease (DOID: 10652). (E) PPI network of 12 anti-AD targets related to AD pathology, Alzheimer’s disease (hsa05010) and Alzheimer’s disease (DOID: 10652). The thickness of the edges represents the combined score. (F) Phytochemicals of AO with more than 30 anti-AD targets.