Figure 1.
Evolutionary analysis of OCP and its orthologous proteins. (A) Structures of OCP. (B) Phylogenetic tree of OCP and its orthologous proteins in five plant species. Based on a shared amino acid sequence identity greater than 50% with OCP, 27 amino acid sequences were collected from NCBI. The neighbor-joining tree was built using the Muscle program, with 1000 bootstrap replicates, in MEGA7. Protein structure was analyzed by SMART. All the proteins contained the same four domains, signal peptide, inhibitor I29, pept_C1, and GRAN. (C) Comparison of the amino acid sequences of OCP with RD21B, RD21A, and CYP1. The black coloring shows the same amino acids present in the four proteins. The * indicates the amino acid position number, 10, 30, 50......