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. 2022 Dec 14;17(12):e0278621. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0278621

Table 7. Factors associated with satisfaction score related to health service utilization among pregnant women and caregivers of young children.

Unadjusted model Adjusted model
Variables Coefficient 95% CI p-value Coefficient 95% CI p-value
Pregnant women (n = 165)            
    13–19 0.204 (0.003, 0.404) 0.046 0.182 (0.004, 0.361) 0.045
    20–24 0.089 (-0.090, 0.269) 0.327 0.089 (-0.069, 0.247) 0.269
    25–30 0.231 (0.048, 0.414) 0.014 0.258 (0.093, 0.422) 0.002
    <30 Ref - - Ref - -
Gestational age            
    1st trimester 0.078 (-0.092, 0.249) 0.365 0.058  (-0.096, 0.212) 0.458
    2nd trimester 0.056 (-0.088, 0.200) 0.445 0.014  (-0.114, 0.141) 0.834
    3rd trimester Ref - - Ref - -
Type of health facility            
    Government -0.299 (-0.444, -0.154) <0.001 -0.295 (-0.430, -0.161) <0.001
    Private -0.117 (-0.262, 0.028) 0.113 -0.081 (-0.220, 0.059) 0.258
    NGO Ref - - Ref -
Number of nutrition services received            
    Below group mean -0.219 (-0.338, -0.100) <0.001 -0.194 (-0.305, -0.084) 0.001
    Above group mean Ref Ref - -
Caregivers (n = 162)        
Child age (month)        
    0 to 6 -0.022 (-0.147, 0.103) 0.726 -0.029 (-0.154, 0.096) 0.650
    7 to 24 Ref  -  Ref  - -
Reason to visit facility
    Sick child visit 0.191 (-0.209, 0.591) 0.347 0.176 (-0.222, 0.575) 0.386
    Immunization 0.214 (-0.218, 0.647) 0.329 0.205 (-0.220, 0.630) 0.344
    Others Ref Ref - -
Type of health facility        
    Government -0.166 (-0.315, -0.018) 0.029 -0.170 (-0.319, -0.022) 0.025
    Private -0.087 (-0.237, 0.064) 0.259 -0.095 (-0.247, 0.058) 0.223
    NGO Ref - - Ref - -
Number of nutrition services received      
    Below group mean -0.035 (-0.174, 0.105) 0.625 -0.001 (-0.140, 0.137) 0.985
    Above group mean Ref - - Ref - -