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. 2013 Mar 28;2013(3):CD004807. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD004807.pub2
1 exp mental health/
2 exp mental health care/
3 exp psychiatry/
4 exp psychiatric treatment/
5 exp drug dependence treatment/
6 mental health center/ or community mental health center/
7 exp mental disease/
8 mental patient/
9 ((mental* or psychiatric) adj (ill* or disorder* or disease* or health* or patient* or treatment or hospital*)).tw.
10 ((chronic* or severe*) adj (mental* or psychiatric)).tw.
11 or/1‐10
12 consumer/
13 consumer advocacy/
14 patient advocacy/
15 peer group/
16 ((involv* or inclusion or participati* or collaborati*) adj2 (patient* or inpatient* or outpatient* or client* or user* or service user* or consumer* or mental health consumer* or survivor* or people* or people with mental illness)).tw.
17 assertive community
18 or/12‐17
19 (provide* or staff* or employ* or personnel or case manag* or (service* adj4 deliver*) or collaborator* or aide or aides or specialist* or consultant*).tw.
20 exp employment/
21 health care personnel/ or mental health care personnel/
22 or/19‐21
23 18 and 22
24 ((patient* or inpatient* or outpatient* or client* or user* or service user* or consumer* or mental health consumer* or survivor* or people* or people with mental illness) adj2 (provide* or service provider* or staff* or employ* or personnel or team* or case manag* or service delivery or collaborat* or aide or aides or specialist* or consultant* or delivered or operated or assisted or led or managed or conducted or directed or run)).tw.
25 (peer adj (provider* or service* or staff or specialist* or support or companion* or organi#ed or based or run or delivered or led or managed or conducted or directed)).tw.
26 or/23‐25
27 11 and 26
28 randomized controlled trial/
29 random*.tw.
30 placebo*.tw.
31 ((singl* or doubl* or tripl* or trebl*) and (blind* or mask*)).tw.
32 single blind procedure/ or double blind procedure/
33 (crossover* or cross over*).tw.
34 crossover procedure/
35 factorial*.tw.
36 (assign* or allocat* or volunteer*).tw.
37 or/28‐36
38 nonhuman/
39 37 not 38
40 27 and 39