Table 2.
Treatment Fidelity Strategies for Study Design.
Goal | NIH BCC description1 | BIO-MUSE strategies |
Goal 1: Ensure that interventions are congruent with relevant theory and clinical experience. | Operationalize interventions to reflect theory; define independent and dependent variables most relevant to the “active ingredient” of the intervention. |
Intervention theory: Contextual Support Model of Music Therapy12; Self-Determination Theory13
Essential intervention elements: Intervention designed to provide optimal levels of structure, autonomy support, and support parent/child relationship through tailored delivery of music-play. Attention control condition: Designed to control for audio-visual stimulation, presence of a trained provider, and shared play activity that involves both parent and child.14 |
Goal 2: Ensure same treatment dose within and across conditions. | Ensure that treatment “dose” (measured by number, frequency, and duration) is adequately described and is the same for each subject within and across treatment and control conditions. |
Number/frequency of sessions: Coincide with timing and length of consolidation treatment (4 weekly sessions standard risk patients; 8 weekly sessions high risk patients). Session duration: 20 min/session for ASB; 25 min for AME Between session engagement: Activity kits encourage engagement in condition-related activities outside sessions. Dose monitoring via provider field note: Providers document actual session length and participant-reported use of condition related activities between sessions. Dose confirmation: External quality assurance monitoring confirms provider-reported field note data. |
Goal 3: Plan for implementation setbacks | Address possible setbacks in implementation. | Train Multiple Providers at each study site to ensure provider availability and minimize impact of turnover, absences, and illness. |