Goal 1: Control for provider differences. |
Monitor and control for subject perceptions of nonspecific treatment effects across intervention and control conditions. |
Recorded sessions: All sessions audio- or video-recorded. |
External QA monitoring: Includes provider interaction style and attributes. |
Provider selection: Hire providers that demonstrate supportive interaction styles and have experience working with young children and families. |
Same providers: Providers deliver both intervention and attention control conditions. |
Qualitative interviews: Provides parent perspectives about their experience with providers. |
Goal 2: Reduce differences within treatment. |
Ensure that providers in the same condition are delivering the same intervention. |
Standardized study protocols: Manualized protocols for each study condition. |
Recorded sessions: All session audio- or video-recorded. |
Self- and external QA monitoring: Monitoring ensures accurate and consistent delivery across providers. |
Standardized QA checklists: Lists essential elements for each study condition. |
Goal 3: Ensure adherence to treatment protocol. |
Ensure that study conditions are being delivered as intended including content and treatment dose. |
Self and external QA monitoring: Sustained monitoring ensures accurate and consistent delivery of study conditions over time. |
Standardized QA checklists: Lists essential elements for each study condition. Used during session delivery and self/external QA monitoring. |
Individualized supervision: Review omissions and/or protocol deviations with providers on an individual basis. |
Monthly provider calls: Review challenges and successes experienced during session delivery; discuss protocol omissions or deviations. |
QA checklists: Support protocol adherence/deviation tracking across providers and study conditions. |
Provider field notes: Providers capture date, time, and duration for study sessions in electronic field notes. |
Goal 4: Minimize contamination between conditions. |
Minimize contamination across treatment/control conditions, especially when implemented by same provider. |
Standardized study protocols: Manualized protocols for each study condition. |
Recorded sessions: All session audio- or video-recorded. |
Self and external QA monitoring: Monitoring ensures accurate and consistent delivery without cross-contamination. Monitoring for biased language when answering parent questions about study conditions. |
Standardized QA checklists: Lists essential elements for each study condition. Used during session delivery and self/external QA monitoring. |
Theory/rationale for study conditions: Train providers on theory and rationale underlying structure/delivery of intervention and low dose attention control conditions. |
Non-biased language training: Equip providers with non-biased language and explanation to address participant questions about study conditions. |