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. 2022 Dec 1;9:997236. doi: 10.3389/fnut.2022.997236


Socioeconomic characteristics and mental health symptoms/resilience of the study participants (n = 9,870).

Variables Mean (SD)
Age (years) 31.86 (4.39)
 Missing (n) 49
Gestational age at survey (weeks) 20.53 (8.70)
 Missing (n) 0
Pre-pregnancy BMI (Kg/m2) 26.24 (5.85)
 Missing (n) 397
Fear of COVID-19 −0.002 (0.88)
 Missing (n) 119
Depression 10.19 (5.49)
 Missing (n) 420
Anxiety 58.13 (8.34)
 Missing (n) 452
Resilience 5.84 (1.35)
 Missing (n) 1485

n (%)

White (Caucasian) 8239 (83.5)
Other ethnic groups 1494 (15.1)
Missing 137 (1.4)
Professional (MD, JD, DDS, ETC) 453 (4.6)
Doctorate (PhD) 298 (3.0)
Masters’ degree 1800 (18.2)
Bachelor’s degree 3843 (38.9)
Completed trade/Technical degree 25.03 (25.4)
Completed high school diploma 808 (8.2)
Less than high school diploma 119 (1.2)
Missing 46 (0.5)
Job status
Working full-time 7515 (76.1)
Working part-time 1116 (11.3)
Unemployed/Laid off 206 (2.1)
Looking for work 111 (1.1)
Keeping house/Raising children 848 (8.6)
Retired 2 (0.0)
Missing 72 (0.7)
Household income
≥ $200,000 952 (9.6)
175,000–$199,999 624 (6.3)
150,000–$174,999 1086 (11.0)
125,000–$149,999 1286 (13.0)
100,000–$124,999 1844 (18.7)
70,000–$99,9999 1949 (19.7)
40,000–$69,9999 1296 (13.1)
20, 000–$39,999 545 (5.5)
< $20,000 218 (2.2)
Missing 70 (0.7)
Marital status
Married/Cohabiting 9397 (95.2)
Other 428 (4.3)
Missing 45 (0.5)
Job loss (yes) 1609 (16.3)
 Missing 1239 (12.6)
Income change
Substantially decreased 1368 (13.9)
Somewhat deceased 3029 (30.7)
Not change 4764 (48.3)
Somewhat increased 606 (6.1)
Substantially increased 43 (0.4)
 Missing 60 (0.6)
Food insecurity (yes) 848 (8.6)
 Missing 74 (0.7)
Self-isolation (yes) 4496 (45.6)
 Missing 0 (0)
Phase of the pandemic at study enrolment
April–May 4687 (47.5)
June–July 1888 (19.1)
August–September 478 (4.8)
October–November 1079 (10.9)
December–January 1130 (11.4)
February–March 530 (5.4)
April 78 (0.8)
Missing 0 (0)