Figure 3.
Change from baseline to EOT in (a, b) systolic and (c, d) diastolic blood pressure parameters in placebo (a, c) and active comparator (b, d) trials. ∗Interaction between treatment and eGFR at EOT. Data are from the full analysis set. Data from participants who were on randomized treatment and without rescue medication or prematurely discontinued were included in the analyses, except for SUSTAIN 6 and PIONEER 6, for which all in-trial data for randomized participants were included. DBP, diastolic blood pressure; eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rate; EOT, end of treatment; N, number of participants in the full analysis set who received semaglutide; n, number of participants who received semaglutide and contributed to the analysis; SBP, systolic blood pressure.