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. 2022 Dec 3;10(10):1179–1193. doi: 10.1002/ueg2.12343


Imaging findings associated with inflammation in Crohn's disease

Imaging findings Description/definition Detection in techniques
Segmental mural hyperenhancement Increased attenuation/signal intensity from contrast‐enhanced scan on bowel segment in comparison with nearby normal bowel segments CT, MRI, US
Wall thickening Bowel wall thickening >3–5 mm, 3 mm, 3–4 mm from CT, MRI, US, respectively CT, MRI, US
Intramural edema The grey attenuation layer of the water halo sign in CT represents edema in submucosa; hyperintense signal from fat‐saturated T2‐weighted scan in MRI CT, MRI
Stricture Luminal narrowing (at least 50% reduction of luminal diameter in CT or MRI, <10 mm in CT or US) in area of Crohn's disease with unequivocal upstream dilation (luminal diameter is >3 and 2.5 cm in CT and US; 1.5‐fold greater than normal loop in MRI) CT, MRI, US
Ulcerations Appear as small focal breaks in the intraluminal surface of the bowel wall with focal extension of air or enteric enhancement from the inflamed bowel wall CT, MRI, US
Fistulas Appears as an extra‐enteric tract, with or without internal air or fluid. Including simple/complex fistulas, sinus tract and perianal fistulas CT, MRI, US
Inflammatory mass Ill‐defined mass‐like process of mixed fat and/or soft tissue attenuation/signal intensity (non‐water attenuation/signal intensity) usually associated with penetrating disease, such as complex fistulas CT, MRI, US
Abscess Mesenteric/peritoneal/perianal fluid collection with rim enhancement and/or internal air CT, MRI, US
Perienteric edema/inflammation Increased attenuation (CT) or high fat‐saturated T2‐weighted signal (MR) in mesenteric fat adjacent to abnormal bowel loops CT, MRI
Comb sign Engorged vessels that supply an inflamed bowel loop CT, MRI, US
Fibrofatty proliferation Increased fat adjacent to abnormal bowel, displacing bowel loops; usually along mesenteric border, but can be circumferential CT, MRI, US
Adenopathy Lymph node >1.5 cm (in short axis) CT, MRI

Abbreviations: CT, computed tomography; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; US, ultrasonography.