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. 2022 Dec 15;4:60. doi: 10.1186/s42466-022-00224-6

Table 1.

ALSFRS-R versus ALSFRS-R-SE after consensus process

No/Pts ALSFRS-R item ALSFRS-R-SE item ALSFRS-R-SE item additional explanation Type of adaption of ALSFRS-R-SE Deviation from ALSFRS-R
1 Speech Speech
1.4 Normal speech process Normal Speaking and/or articulation is the same as it was before the onset of initial ALS symptoms Harmonization Minor
1.3 Detectable speech disturbance Detectable speech disturbance Speech, articulation or phonation have changed, as perceived either by the affected themselves or by their immediate contacts. This may present as slurred speech or hoarseness of voice None
1.2 Intelligible with repeating Intelligible speech with repetition Frequent repetition of single words or parts of a sentence are required to convey meaning Linguistic adaption Minor
1.1 Speech combined with non-vocal communication Speech combined with non-vocal communication Writing things down, use of communication aids, and similar methods are needed to convey meaning None
1.0 Loss of useful speech Loss of useful speech Communication aids or similar methods are always required None
2 Salivation Salivation
2.4 Normal Normal No excess saliva accumulates in the mouth None
2.3 Slight but definite excess of saliva in mouth; may have night-time drooling Slight but definite excess of saliva in mouth; night-time drooling may take place Increased accumulation of saliva in the mouth; however, subjectively not an impairment or impediment and no loss of saliva during the day Linguistic adaption Minor
2.2 Moderately excessive saliva; may have minimal drooling Moderately excessive saliva; may experience minimal drooling During the day, a tissue is occasionally used to dab the edges of the mouth Linguistic adaption Minor
2.1 Marked excess of saliva with some drooling Marked excess of saliva with some drooling Regular loss of saliva, a tissue is used often but not constantly None
2.0 Marked drooling Marked drooling Permanent use of tissues or a suction device is required None
3 Swallowing Swallowing
3.4 Normal eating habits Normal Swallowing any type of food or liquid is unproblematic Harmonization Minor
3.3 Early eating problems-occasional choking Minor swallowing problems-occasional choking Food intake takes longer; food must be cut into smaller bites and swallowed with care. Occasionally, choking on food or higher frequency of coughing is observed Linguistic adaption Minor
3.2 Dietary consistency changes Dietary consistency changes Difficulty swallowing (dysphagia) and trouble with certain consistencies of food and beverages results in the avoidance of some types of food consistencies (e.g., meat, dry biscuits, nuts). Dietary supplements or thickeners may be used due to difficulty in swallowing None
3.1 Needs supplemental tube feeding Supplemental tube feeding Due to dysphagia, food intake has become so difficult that an enteral feeding tube (PEG) must be fitted or is highly recommended by the physician to supplement caloric intake and/or prevent choking on food Harmonization Minor
3.0 NPO (exclusively parenteral or enteral feeding) Exclusively enteral tube feeding Food and liquid intake happen exclusively via a feeding tube; oral food intake is impossible due to high-grade dysphagia Linguistic adaption and harmonization Moderate
4 Handwriting Handwriting The subject of this assessment is writing with one’s dominant hand (writing hand) in the usual posture Addition Moderate
4.4 Normal Normal Writing with the dominant writing hand causes no problems None
4.3 Slow or sloppy: all words are legible Slow or sloppy, but all words are legible Writing is more difficult, or alternately, the appearance of a person's written text has changed even though the words remain legible Harmonization Minor
4.2 Not all words are legible Not all words are legible Some written words are illegible. Writing aids are used to promote legibility None
4.1 Able to grip pen but unable to write Able to grip pen but unable to write Holding a pen is possible; however, anything beyond signing or writing one's own name is not None
4.0 Unable to grip pen Unable to grip pen Holding a pen is impossible None
5a Cutting food and handling utensils Cutting food and handling utensils Pertaining to persons not regularly using an enteral feeding tube for caloric intake Addition Moderate
5a.4 Normal Normal The use of cutlery is not problematic. Problems would be, for example, the use of knives and forks instead of chopsticks or the inclination to use a spoon more often None
5a.3 Somewhat slow and clumsy, but no help needed Somewhat slow and clumsy, but no help needed Eating takes more time due to impairment of the hands. Method of handing cutlery has changed, but its use is still possible without assistance None
5a.2 Can cut most foods, although clumsy and slow; some help needed Can cut most foods, although slowly and clumsily; some help is needed Assistance is needed on occasion when cutting certain types of foods; alternately, eating aids such as special cutlery are in use Linguistic adaption Minor
5a.1 Food must be cut by someone, but can still feed slowly Food must be cut by someone else, but can still feed themself slowly Assistance is needed to cut solid food and on most other occasions. However, eating on one's own is still possible (e.g., using a fork or a spoon) Linguistic adaption Minor
5a.0 Needs to be fed Total dependence The affected person is unable to use cutlery (e.g., a fork or a spoon) on their own, and can only eat when fed Harmonization Moderate
5b Cutting food and handling utensils Cutting food and handling utensils For persons regularly in need of a feeding tube for caloric intake. The subject of this assessment is manual dexterity addition Moderate
5b.4 Normal Normal The tube can be handled independently, and locks and packets can be opened and closed without assistance None
5b.3 Clumsy but able to perform all manipulations independently Clumsy but able to perform all manipulations independently No assistance is needed when handling the feeding tube, however use is somewhat difficult None
5b.2 Some help needed with closures and fasteners Some help needed with closures and fasteners Handling the feeding tube is done more or less independently. Assistance is needed when opening locks and fasteners None
5b.1 Provides minimal assistance to caregiver Provides minimal assistance to caregiver Another person mostly handles the feeding tube. The affected can only carry out minimal actions themselves None
5b.0 Unable to perform any aspect of a given task Total dependence Handling the feeding tube is done entirely by another person. No actions can be executed by the affected Harmonization Moderate
6 Dressing and hygiene Dressing and hygiene
6.4 Normal function Normal Getting dressed and tending to personal hygiene are unproblematic Harmonization
6.3 Independent and complete self-care with effort or decreased efficiency Independent and complete self-care requires effort and is less efficient Getting (un)dressed and tending to personal hygiene are executed more slowly than before but are performed autonomously and require neither aids nor assistance from another person Linguistic adaption Minor
6.2 Intermittent assistance or substitute methods Intermittent assistance or substitute methods At times, another person is called upon to assist, or strategies are developed to counteract impairment (e.g., wearing clothes that are easy to put on or take off, getting (un)dressed or showering while sitting down, use of aids) None
6.1 Attendant needed to assist with self-care Attendant needed to assist with self-care Another person is required on a regular basis to (un)dress and attend to the affected person’s personal hygiene None
6.0 Total dependence Total dependence Dressing, undressing and personal hygiene must be entirely performed by another person None
7 Turning in bed and adjusting bed clothes Turning in bed and adjusting bed clothes
7.4 Normal Normal Turning in bed and handling blankets do not cause problems None
7.3 Somewhat slow and clumsy, but no help needed Somewhat slow and clumsy, but no help needed Turning in bed or handling blankets is difficult None
7.2 Can turn alone or adjust sheets, but with great difficulty Can turn on their own or adjust sheets, but with great difficulty Turning in bed and handling blankets is possible but requires great effort. Either action may require support, or a grip may be used when turning in bed Linguistic adaption Minor
7.1 Can initiate, but not turn or adjust sheets alone Can initiate action, but not turn or adjust sheets without assistance The actions of turning in bed and handling blankets can be initiated, however another person's assistance is required to complete these actions Linguistic adaption Minor
7.0 Helpless Total dependence Assistance is consistently required when turning in bed or handling blankets Harmonization Moderate
8 Walking Walking
8.4 Normal Normal No change in walking ability None
8.3 Early ambulatory difficulties Minor ambulatory difficulties Changes, such as walking more slowly, stumbling, or a loss of stability, are apparent, although the affected does not require outside assistance on a regular basis, either in the form of another person, a walking aid (e.g., foot lifter, cane, walkers) or holding on to a stable object Linguisitic adaption
8.2 Walks with assistance Walks with assistance The affected regularly requires assistance when walking-either in the form of holding on to something, or, outside the home, use of a foot lifter, walking aids or help from another person None
8.1 Nonambulatory functional movement Nonambulatory functional movement Targeted leg movements are still possible. Standing with support, e.g., for transfer, can be possible. The affected has no ambulatory capacity, not even with the assistance of another person None
8.0 No purposeful leg movement No purposeful leg movement The legs cannot support the weight of the body (e.g., for transfer), no purposeful movements can be executed, such as helping with care activities None
9 Climbing stairs Climbing stairs
9.4 Normal Normal No change is observed when climbing the stairs None
9.3 Slow Slow Climbing the stairs without taking a break or feeling unstable is possible if done slowly None
9.2 Mild unsteadiness or fatigue Mild unsteadiness or fatigue Climbing the stairs is accompanied by a feeling of instability, and breaks might be necessary. Use of a handrail or assistance from another person are not absolutely necessary None
9.1 Needs assistance Needs assistance Climbing the stairs cannot be executed without use of a handrail or assistance from another person None
9.0 Cannot do Cannot do Stairs cannot be climbed, even with assistance or support None
10 Dyspnea Dyspnea and shortness of breath Addition Minor
10.4 None None No dyspnea or shortness of breath when performing daily routines at normal intensity None
10.3 Occurs when walking Occurs when walking Dyspnea or shortness of breath may occur when walking at a normal pace or performing activities at moderate intensity None
10.2 Occurs during one or more of the following: eating, bathing, dressing (ADL) Occurs during one or more of the following: eating, bathing, dressing (ADL) Dyspnea or shortness of breath may occur when performing activities at low intensity or when talking for longer periods of time None
10.1 Occurs at rest, difficulty breathing when either sitting or lying Difficulty breathing when at rest, including sitting or lying down Dyspnea or shortness of breath in the absence of any physical strain when either sitting and/or lying down Linguistic adaption Minor
10.0 Significant difficulty, considering using mechanical respiratory support Significant difficulty breathing, mechanical respiratory support may be needed Significant dyspnea or shortness of breath is present when at rest; mask ventilation (non-invasive ventilation) or ventilation via tracheostomy must be applied to alleviate dyspnea and shortness of breath Linguistic adaption Moderate
11 Orthopnea Sleep disturbance due to breathing problems If mechanical ventilation is usually provided during the night, but sleep is possible without it, nighttime breathing should be assessed without the use of ventilation Harmonization and Addition Substantial
11.4 None None Falling asleep and sleeping through the night are unimpaired by dyspnea or shortness of breath None
11.3 Some difficulty sleeping at night due to shortness of breath, does not routinely use more than two pillows Some difficulty sleeping at night due to shortness of breath, more than two pillows are not routinely used Dyspnea and shortness of breath are present at night and when lying down. Breathing may be improved by sleeping on one side. To support the torso, a maximum of two pillows are used or the head section of the bed may be elevated by no more than 30 degrees Linguistic adaption Minor
11.2 Needs extra pillows in order to sleep (more than two) More than two pillows are needed in order to sleep When lying down flat on one's back, breathing is noticeably bothersome, which in turn disturbs the process of falling asleep and sleeping through the night. To support the torso, three or more pillows are used or the head section of the bed is elevated by more than 30 degrees Linguistic adaption Minor
11.1 Can only sleep sitting up Can only sleep sitting up A seated position must be assumed, either in bed or on a chair, to sleep None
11.0 Unable to sleep Unable to sleep Due to dyspnea or shortness of breath, sleep is impossible without mask ventilation (non-invasive ventilation) or ventilation via tracheostomy. Mechanical ventilation is in regular use to alleviate symptoms None
12 Respiratory insufficiency Mechanical ventilation Linguistic adaption Moderate
12.4 None None Breathing is always an autonomous action, not requiring use of mechanical ventilation. Nocturnal air pressure support (i.e., CPAP therapy to treat sleep apnea syndrome) does not constitute mechanical ventilation None
12.3 Intermittent use of BiPAP Intermittent use of non-invasive ventilation Mask ventilation (non-invasive ventilation, e.g., BiPAP) is in use at irregular intervals or for a shorter period of time than the normal nocturnal sleep cycle Harmonization Minor
12.2 Continuous use of BiPAP during the night Continuous use of non-invasive ventilation during the night Mask ventilation (non-invasive ventilation) is in regular use at night and possibly on an hourly basis during the day (a total of 8 to 22 h in any 24-h cycle) Harmonization Minor
12.1 Continuous use of BiPAP during the night and day Continuous use of non-invasive ventilation during the night and day Mask ventilation (non-invasive ventilation) is in use almost all of the time (more than 22 h per in any 24-h cycle) Harmonization Minor
12.0 Invasive mechanical ventilation by intubation or tracheostomy Invasive mechanical ventilation by intubation or tracheostomy Continuous mechanical ventilation via a ventilation tube (intubation) or tracheostomy None

Introduction: The self-explanatory Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Functional Rating Scale – Revised (ALSFRS-R-SE) is comprised of various motor functioning items that typically have limiting characteristics in ALS. The ALSFRS-R-SE assessment can be performed by patients themselves as well as by others (e.g., an attending physician, a relative, a healthcare professional) following an interview with the affected. Please carefully read the explanations and options and provide an assessment of functionality, and, respectively, relevant ALS-related limitations that reflect actual capacities at the time of filling in the questionnaire

If the cause of a limitation in any functional area is attributable to a medical condition other than ALS, or if a limitation was already present before the onset of ALS (e.g., gait impairment following hip replacement surgery) the respective item can be assessed as “normal” (4 score points). Functionality should always be assessed relative to one’s status before the onset of initial ALS symptoms. The affected may deviate from this recommendation if they are experiencing additional limitations that are likely to be due to ALS. Once an approach is chosen, please be consistent in following it when answering all questions on this and on future ALSFRS-R-SE assessments