Fig. 5.
Circular Manhattan plots to draw common regions associated with a = Agronomic traits, b = BRR, c = gBLUP, and d = rrBLUP for Iranian wheat landraces and cultivars in well-watered environments. Inner to outer circles represents average trait and breeding values including PH, GY, GN, TKW, SW, SA, SH and SF, respectively. The chromosomes are plotted at the outmost circle where thin-dotted blue and red lines indicate significant level at P value < 0.001 (− log10 (p) > 3) and < 0.00001 (− log10 (p) > 5), respectively. Black and red dots indicate genome-wide significantly associated SNPs at P value < 0.001 and < 0.00001 probability level, respectively. Scale between ChrUn and Chr1A indicates − log10 (p) values. Colored boxes outside on the top right side indicate SNP density across the genome where green to red indicates less dense to dense. Abbreviations: PH, Plant height; GY, Grain yield; GN, Grain number per spike; TKW, Thousand kernel weight; SW, Spike weight; SA, Spike area; SH, Spike harvest index; SF, Spike fertility