Figure 2.
Root morphology of S. miltiorrhiza in the four treatments. (A) Root scans of S. miltiorrhiza in AM+Fo treatment and NM+Fo treatment. Length of root (B), root projArea (C), and root surfArea (D) of S. miltiorrhiza 30 days after pathogen inoculation. Four treatments included: (1) NM-Fo: non-mycorrhizal S. miltiorrhiza inoculated with heat-killed pathogen inoculation; (2) NM+Fo: non-mycorrhizal S. miltiorrhiza inoculated with pathogen; (3) AM-Fo: mycorrhizal S. miltiorrhiza inoculated with heat-killed pathogen; (4) AM+Fo: mycorrhizal S. miltiorrhiza inoculated with pathogen. Values are means ± SD from four sets of independent experiments with 30 pots per treatment for each set of experiments. Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences between different treatments according to two-way ANOVA followed by Tukey’s test for multiple comparisons (P < 0.05).