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. 2022 Dec 15;17(12):e0278879. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0278879

Table 5. Fitness app acceptance investigated by the qualitative study by Wichmann et al. [53].

Theme Subtheme(s) Specifications
app usage readiness to future fitness app usage greater among fitness app users (FG2/3) compared to non-users (FG1)
attitudes towards fitness app usage general attitudes
  • more positive among fitness app users (FG2/3) compared to non-users (FG1)

barriers (across all FG) perceived ease of use
  • lack of easy handling, simplicity, practicability of usage

  • manual data entry

  • permanent carrying of mobile phone (preference for wristband)

privacy concerns
  • potential data use by health insurance companies

  • potential data use for commercial purposes exception: if app positively promoted by others and willingness to usage high, then the reluctance to disclose data would decrease

technologization skepticism
  • unwillingness to be “dictated” by app, demand for autonomous decision-making regarding intensity of movement independently

  • fitness apps generally disadvantageous as ability of self-perception diminishes due to technologization

facilitators (across all FG) perceived usefulness
  • useful for initiation of PA (“majority of participants”); conditions:1. if fixed aims are set, 2. if self-discipline and motivation existent

  • motivation for the initiation of increasing fitness levels

  • helpful in promoting a general healthy lifestyle

  • support for creating diverse and intensive sport programs

wishes towards fitness apps general functioning (across all FG)
  • maximum ease/simplicity of use

specific features (across all FG) monitoring function
  • automatic, non-manual sensory activity tracking

  • activity tracking/monitoring

feedback function
  • feedback on self-control by means of reminders

  • feedback by means of social comparisons (e.g. challenges, comparison of success with others)

FG = focus group. FG1 = focus group with fitness app users, FG2 and FG3 = focus groups with non-users. PA = physical activity. Note: Themes, subthemes and specifications presented here are a result of the review synthesis process resp. thematic analysis, i.e., this table depicts an abstraction resp. deduction of the primary study results and only involves study results [53] addressing the review questions.