(A) During each trial of the “tokens task,” 15 tokens jump, one every 200 ms, from the central circle to one of two outer target circles. The subject’s task is to move the cursor (black cross) to the target that will ultimately receive the majority of the tokens. (B) Temporal profile of the “success probability” that a given target is correct. Once a target is reached, the remaining token jumps accelerate to one every 150 ms (“Slow” block) or 50 ms (“Fast” block). We subtract from movement onset the mean reaction time (RT), measured in a separate delayed-response task, to estimate commitment time (purple bar) and the success probability at commitment time (dotted red horizontal line). (C) Success probability for choosing the target on the right, in trial types defined on the basis of the success probability profile (see Methods), here computed after aligning to movement onset (vertical black dashed line). The vertical purple bar indicates estimated commitment time. Solid curves: correct target on the right; dashed curves: correct target on the left. (D) Recording locations. Medial is up. Dashed white lines indicate the estimated location of the globus pallidus. asl, lower limb of the arcuate sulcus; asu, upper limb of the arcuate sulcus; cs, central sulcus; ps, principal sulcus; spcd, superior precentral dimple.