Violent discipline score |
32.6 |
1,843 |
7.9 |
1,354 |
19.8 |
679 |
Attended school during current school year |
No |
5.3% |
95 |
3.5% |
48 |
3.2% |
30 |
Yes |
94.7% |
1,748 |
96.5% |
1306 |
96.8% |
649 |
Hours of economic activity in the past week (child) |
3.4 |
1,843 |
0.9 |
1,354 |
0.4 |
679 |
Hours of household chores in the past week (child) |
7.0 |
1,843 |
5.7 |
1,354 |
1.5 |
679 |
Proportion of young people who have a job (out of all young people in the household) |
0.3 |
1,843 |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
Average overall happiness among household members |
4.5 |
1,843 |
4.2 |
1,354 |
4.1 |
679 |
Days alcohol was used in the past month (men) |
1.4 |
1,843 |
1.3 |
1,354 |
2.7 |
679 |
Days alcohol was used in the past month (women) |
0.4 |
1,843 |
0.5 |
1,843 |
0.9 |
679 |
Wealth Quintiles [ref = Poorest] |
Poorest |
17.4% |
267 |
23.2% |
380 |
20.2% |
124 |
Second |
21.1% |
348 |
21.1% |
324 |
26.5% |
172 |
Middle |
23.2% |
421 |
15.6% |
234 |
17.8% |
136 |
Fourth |
20.3% |
398 |
18.9% |
256 |
20.3% |
143 |
Richest |
18.0% |
409 |
21.3% |
160 |
15.2% |
104 |
Number of household members |
11.3 |
1,843 |
5.0 |
1,354 |
6.5 |
679 |
Female headed household |
No |
97.2% |
1,745 |
95.1% |
1,283 |
62.2% |
464 |
Yes |
2.9% |
98 |
4.9% |
71 |
37.8% |
215 |
Child's sex |
Male |
50.1% |
937 |
49.1% |
673 |
49.7% |
328 |
Female |
50.0% |
906 |
50.9% |
681 |
50.3% |
351 |
Child's age (years) |
9.6 |
1,843 |
8.9 |
1,354 |
9.3 |
679 |
Mother in the household |
No |
8.3% |
208 |
2.7% |
41 |
10.5% |
50 |
Yes |
91.7% |
1,635 |
97.3% |
1,313 |
89.5% |
629 |
Father in the household |
No |
6.6% |
220 |
6.4% |
97 |
26.2% |
156 |
Yes |
93.4% |
1,623 |
93.6% |
1,257 |
73.8% |
523 |
Education of household head |
None or non-formal education |
40.8% |
601 |
8.8% |
126 |
8.2% |
43 |
Primary |
20.2% |
416 |
14.6% |
230 |
27.5% |
190 |
Secondary |
23.3% |
479 |
53.0% |
735 |
59.0% |
406 |
Higher |
15.7% |
347 |
23.5% |
263 |
5.3% |
40 |
Ethnic group of household head |
Hausa |
57.6% |
775 |
Khalkh |
77.8% |
1,028 |
Indigenous/Amerindian |
29.5% |
139 |
Igbo |
6.2% |
218 |
Kazakh |
6.9% |
153 |
Maroon |
6.9% |
41 |
Yoruba |
7.2% |
222 |
Other |
15.3% |
173 |
Creole |
11.3% |
89 |
Other ethnic group |
29.0% |
628 |
Hindustani |
24.7% |
188 |
Javanese |
15.3% |
129 |
Mixed ethnicity |
10.5% |
80 |
Other |
1.7% |
13 |
Religion of household head |
Christian |
27.5% |
822 |
Buddhist |
48.3% |
642 |
Christianity |
53.6% |
343 |
Islam |
71.6% |
996 |
No religion |
41.6% |
534 |
Hinduism |
19.5% |
148 |
Other |
1.0% |
25 |
Muslim or other |
10.0% |
178 |
Islam |
15.4% |
123 |
Traditional or other religion |
4.9% |
27 |
No religion |
6.6% |
38 |
Child needs to be physically punished to be brought up properly |
No |
34.9% |
604 |
76.5% |
1,078 |
77.5% |
542 |
Yes |
65.1% |
1,239 |
23.5% |
276 |
22.5% |
137 |
Average domestic violence norms score (out of 5) |
0.4 |
1,843 |
0.04 |
1,843 |
0.03 |
679 |
Urban/rural residence |
Urban |
35.8% |
581 |
62.1% |
681 |
69.0% |
403 |
Rural |
64.2% |
1,262 |
37.9% |
673 |
31.0% |
276 |
Geopolitical Zones |
North central |
17.2% |
410 |
Western |
15.6% |
390 |
Paramaribo |
31.7% |
197 |
North east |
24.1% |
257 |
Khangai |
18.4% |
261 |
Wanica |
32.0% |
150 |
North west |
40.7% |
569 |
Central |
17.1% |
230 |
Nickerie |
5.4% |
72 |
South east |
4.1% |
171 |
Eastern |
7.8% |
185 |
Coronie |
1.0% |
11 |
South south |
6.4% |
213 |
Ulaanbaatar |
41.2% |
288 |
Saramacca |
3.2% |
54 |
South west |
7.6% |
223 |
Commewijne |
5.8% |
65 |
Marowijne |
5.0% |
45 |
Para |
7.3% |
46 |
Brokopondo |
5.0% |
19 |
Sipaliwini |
3.8% |
20 |