A) Representative western blot demonstrating wild-type and
dbp1∆::kanMX6 levels of Mrp51, with replicates quantified in
Figure 1D. For uncropped blot image see
Figure 1—figure supplement 1—source data 1. (
B–E) Ribosome profiling and mRNA-seq of
dbp1Δ::hphMX4 and wild-type S288C budding yeast during mitotic growth from
Sen et al., 2019. (
A) Translation (FP RPKM) and (
B) mRNA RPKM counts of all genes expressed. (
C) Fold-change TE (translation efficiency; FP RPKM/mRNA RPKM) for every gene expressed in
dbp1Δ::hphMX4 and wild-type cells. (
D) mRNA and FP reads aligned to the
DBP1/MRP51 loci for wild-type (gray/black) and
dbp1Δ::hphMX4 (purple). Note the
MRP51 mRNA is 5′ extended in the
dbp1Δ::hphMX4 cells (mRNA tracks) and the translation of upstream ORFs (uORFs) not present on the wild-type mRNA but
MRP51 ORF translation is higher in wild-type cells (FP tracks).