Table 1. Expression of differentially up-regulated transcription factors in thymic macrophages.
Transcription factors that were highly expressed in thymic macrophages (>250) and up-regulated >twofold in thymic macrophages compared to non-thymic macrophages were listed alphabetically, and the geometric means of four replicates of thymic macrophages (ThyMacs) and two replicates of each of the nine non-thymic macrophage populations (non-ThyMacs) were recorded. Non-thymic macrophages are: spleen red pulp macrophages, Kupffer cells, broncho-alveolar lavage macrophages, peritoneal cavity macrophages, aorta macrophages, heart macrophages, white adipose tissue macrophages, central nervous system microglia, and spinal cord macrophages.
Gene name | ThyMacs | non-ThyMacs |
Irf7 | 3879.32 | 300.82 |
Irf8 | 3528.27 | 1474.35 |
Stat1 | 2403.69 | 522.04 |
Dnmt3a | 1515.94 | 647.81 |
Znxf1 | 1379.89 | 635.36 |
Stat2 | 1210.35 | 472.53 |
Nr1h3 | 1182.17 | 147.05 |
Srebf1 | 975.09 | 399.06 |
Rxra | 760.26 | 298.55 |
Trps1 | 746.36 | 232.48 |
Runx3 | 723.14 | 9.76 |
Relb | 715.53 | 293.92 |
Sp100 | 696.94 | 324.47 |
Zbp1 | 639.19 | 69.83 |
Tfec | 588.72 | 74.66 |
Spic | 573.11 | 34.36 |
Nfkbie | 569.74 | 226.76 |
Ncoa4 | 550.69 | 249.15 |
Rest | 548.22 | 269.22 |
Meis3 | 530.8 | 120.91 |
Bhlhe40 | 490.59 | 99.56 |
Parp12 | 414.11 | 126.82 |
Arid5b | 374.03 | 177.08 |
Creb5 | 295.14 | 47.91 |
Pparg | 276.54 | 33.24 |