A) Treatment with 25 µM CDDO-Me for 4 hr negatively impacts the morphology of the developing embryos (curved tail; malformed/missing caudal fin), whereas Z-REX photocaged probe treatment shows no negative impacts. See also
Figure 3—figure supplement 1.
Top: CDDO-Me treated,
Bottom: Ht-PreNE treated. (
B) Comparison of relative whole-reactive-proteome labeling extent by the respective alkyne-bearing small-molecules, following either bolus LDE treatment (2
nd to 4
th bars) or treatment with Z-REX-photocaged-LDE precursor alone (6
th bar) or full Z-REX execution (7
th bar) in live embryos. Zebrafish embryos at 32 hpf were directly treated with 25 μM of the indicated LDEs for 2 hr. After fixing and permeabilization, Cy5 azide was conjugated to alkyne labeled proteins using copper-assisted Click procedure as described in Methods. Larvae were imaged after washing away unbound dye. The Cy5 fluorescence intensity was analyzed using Image-J(NIH). Electrophiles devoid of 4-OH group such as DE and NE (4
th and 5
th bars) (see also
Figure 1A inset) efficiently label the whole-reactive-proteome upon bolus treatment of whole embryos, whereas 4-OH-group containing electrophile such as HNE and HDE (2
nd and 3
rd bars) show a lower degree of whole-reactive-proteome labeling. See
Figure 6 for representative images related to the data in 1
st to 5
th bars. All numerical data present mean ± sem. Numbers above the bars represent analysis by two-tailed