Summary of main findings from all studies. Abbreviations are as follows: M = Migraine, CM = chronic migraine, EM = episodic migraine, MS = migrainous stroke, MwA = Migraine with aura, MwoA = Migraine without aura, VM = visual migraine, HM = hemiplegic migraine, PCC = posterior cingulate cortex, PCG = posterior cingulate gyrus, ACC = anterior cingulate cortex, NAA = N-Acetyl Aspartate, Glx = Glutamate and Glutamine complex, Lac = Lactate, Cr = Creatine, Pcr = Phosphocreatine, tCr = total Creatine, Cho = Choline, tCho = Choline + Phosphocholine, mI = Myo-inositol. Plus signs (+) indicate increases were reported, Negative signs (–) represent reported decreases, and × means no change was reported. Blank squares indicate that metabolite was not investigated in the study.