Fig. 5. Prolonged Nr6a1 activity is sufficient to increase thoraco-lumbar count and sustain trunk expression signatures.
A Skeletal preparation of E18.5 embryos, dorsal view, revealed an increase in the number of thoraco-lumbar elements in Cdx2P:Nr6a1 embryos (n = 2 independent samples) compared to wildtype (n = 8 independent samples). C = cervical, T = thoracic, L = lumbar, S = sacral and Cd = caudal vertebrae. B Higher magnification, lateral view, of the lumbar region in embryos from (A) revealed the anapophysis (red arrow) normally present on the first 3 lumbar elements in wildtype was now present on 7 of the 8 lumbar elements in Cdx2P:Nr6a1 embryos. Experimental numbers as per 5A. C RNAseq analysis of E10.5 wildtype and Cdx2P:Nr6a1 tailbuds revealed widespread changes in Hox expression downstream of Nr6a1. Results are presented as a log2-transformed fold change in Cdx2P:Nr6a1 samples relative to wildtype, n = 2 for Cdx2P:Nr6a1 and n = 4 for wildtype. Only those Hox genes with a false discovery rate (FDR) < 0.05 are displayed, and are colour-coded based on the axial region where the Hox protein functions. Source data are provided as a Source Data file. D Whole mount in situ hybridisation revealed reduced expression of Hoxd12 within the tail of E10.5 Cdx2P:Nr6a1embryos compared to wildtype. Consistent spatial changes were observed in 2 biologically independent samples/genotype. E Venn diagram overlay of differentially expressed genes (DEGs) in Cdx2P-Nr6a1 (this work) and Gdf11−/− 28 tailbud tissue reveals substantial overlap. Source data are provided as a Source Data file. F Analysis of the 151 co-regulated genes identified in (D), presented here as log2-transformed fold change in Cdx2P:Nr6a1 samples relative to wildtype, revealed that 136 genes (90%) displayed the same direction of regulation in both genetically altered backgrounds. Red and blue dots indicate upregulated and downregulated genes in Gdf11−/− tailbuds, respectively. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.