1. What vulnerability concept or model did the study use? |
TAR/AR4, SREX/AR5, AR5-like, and other |
In the TAR/AR4, vulnerability is a function of exposure, sensitivity, and adaptive capacity, in which exposure is a hazard-centered concept. In the SREX/AR5, vulnerability is a function of sensitivity and capacity to cope and adapt. The SREX/AR5-like category included studies that defined vulnerability as a function of sensitivity and capacity to cope and adapt, but without any reference to the AR5 or the SREX. Other included vulnerability concepts or models other than those mentioned above |
2. What is the rationale for using such a vulnerability concept or model? |
Any reasons or explanations by the authors in this regard were considered |
3. Did the study cite the AR5 (Contribution of Working Group II) or the SREX? |
Choices |
Notes |
Yes or No |
“Yes” means the study cited the following: Contribution of Working Group II to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (AR5), or Climate Change 2014: Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability, or Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and Disasters to Advance Climate Change Adaptation (SREX), be it in the form of a synthesis report, summary for policymakers, glossary, etc. Articles citing studies that made reference to any of these sources were also included |
4. What is the focus of the study in terms of sector? |
Choices |
Notes |
Agriculture, fisheries, forestry, biodiversity, health, energy, water, multi-sector, and other |
Agriculture also included animal husbandry but excluded fisheries. Forestry also included mangrove ecosystems and urban forestry. Biodiversity also included studies focusing on (plant/animal) species and habitat vulnerability. Water also included glaciers. Multi-sector means that the study considered more than one sector. Some studies did not specify a sector; instead, they determined vulnerability in a geographic or administrative region (e.g., a coastal region, a basin, or a city or urban area). These studies were also classified under the multi-sector category. The other category included sectors other than those mentioned above |
5. What is the focus of the study in terms of climate-related hazards? |
Choices |
Notes |
Flooding, extreme heat, drought, landslide, sea level rise, multi-hazard, and other |
Flooding also included soil erosion. Extreme heat included heatwave and warming. Drought also included indicators referring to dry periods. Multi-hazard means that the study considered more than one climate-related hazard. Some studies considered changes in the intensity and pattern of more than one essential climate variable, such as temperature and rainfall, while some studies did not specify any variable but considered climate change in general. These studies were also classified under the multi-hazard category. The other category included climate-related hazards other than those explicitly mentioned above, including wildfires, pests, and windstorms |