Figure 3.
Antigen-dependent responses of CD4+ helper T cells in vaccinated PLWH and HIV-negative controls. (A) Representative dot plots of TNFα and IFNγ expression in activated CD4+ CD137+ CD154+ T cells of a PLWH donor stimulated with SARS-CoV-2 spike (S) glycoprotein peptide pool, or with membrane glycoprotein plus nucleocapsid phosphoprotein (M+N) peptide pool, or with CytoStim™ (Pos), or left untreated (Neg) before and after vaccination shots. (B) The violin plot represents frequency of activated, i.e. CD137+ CD154+, CD4+ T cells and (C) their correlation (spearman method) with CD4:CD8 ratio from control subjects (upper scatter plot) and PLWH (lower scatter plot). The violin plots represent (D) frequency of TNFα+ cells in activated CD4+ CD137+ CD154+ T cells, (E) frequency of IFNγ+ cells in activated CD4+ CD137+ CD154+ T cells and (F) frequency of TNFα+ IFNγ+ double-positive cells in activated CD4+ CD137+ CD154+ T cells at the indicated time points. Statistical significance was calculated by two-tailed Mann-Whitney test: ns, not significant (PLWH T0, n = 64-65; PLWH T1, n = 54; PLWH T2, n = 59-61; PLWH T3 & T4, n = 29; Control T2, n = 20; Control T3 &T4, n = 15).