Crow (2020)
Lymphie conundrums: Grappling with normalising/Othering |
Forced Normalcy
The ‘New Norm’
(This refers to the way in which those diagnosed with the condition are faced with a ‘new version’ of themselves, and how that is accommodated, and ‘normalised’ in their lives.)
Meiklejohn et al. (2013)
Accidental journey |
Meiklejohn et al. (2013)
Altered normalcy |
Nixon et al. (2018)
Adjustment to a new normal |
Michael et al., 2016
‘An old man’s disease’: prostate cancer and the younger male |
Michael et al., 2016
‘Only half a bloke’: changes to self-perception |
Michael et al., 2016
‘It’s dictated my life’: disruption to function and its impact on daily life and life quality |
Crow (2020)
Complexities, complications and confusion: Life difficulties along the journey |
Psychological and Social Journey
The ‘New Norm’
(This refers to the way in which those diagnosed with the condition are faced with a ‘new version’ of themselves, and how that is accommodated, and ‘normalised’ in their lives.)
Crow (2020)
Striving to matter to and for others and self |
Jeans et al. (2019)
It affects me in other ways |
Meiklejohn et al. (2013)
Ebb and flow of control |
Nixon et al. (2018)
Supports that helped manage distress |
Nixon et al. (2018)
Day-to-day distress |
Nixon et al. (2018)
Psychosocial impact |
McGarvey (2014)
Psychosocial aspects of facial lymphoedema |
Shakespeare (2012)
Psychological effects |
Deng and Murphy (2016)
Suggestions on lymphoedema self-care |
Management Process and Adoption
Journey into the ‘Unknown’ (
This pertains to the journey taken by those diagnosed with lymphoedema. It also considers that the journey started alongside another journey, which has led a ‘mystery tour’ that is less than wanted.)
Deng and Murphy (2016)
Perceived lymphoedema self-care education |
Deng and Murphy (2016)
Reported lymphoedema self-care practices |
Jeans et al. (2019)
It requires daily self-monitoring and management |
Nixon et al. (2018)
Experience of receiving treatment |
Shakespeare (2012)
Treatments |
Shakespeare (2012)
Knowledge about lymphoedema |
Shakespeare (2012)) |
Provision of information about lymphoedema |
Jeans et al. (2019)
It changes throughout the day |
Physical Journey
Journey into the ‘Unknown’ (
This pertains to the journey taken by those diagnosed with lymphoedema. It also considers that the journey started alongside another journey, which has led a ‘mystery tour’ that is less than wanted.)
Jeans et al. (2019)
It feels tight |
Nixon et al. (2018)
Physical experience and pattern/timing |
McGarvey (2014)
Physical effects of lymphoedema |
McGarvey (2014)
Diurnal pattern |
McGarvey (2014)
Tightness and reduced cervical spine range of motion |
McGarvey (2014)
Mucus secretions and swallowing |
Shakespeare (2012)
Physical effects of lymphoedema on everyday life |
Study |
Study findings |
Categories |
Synthesises findings |
Maree and Beckmann (2016)
‘I am grateful’: Coping with the lymphoedema |
Affordability and Access – The few or the many? (CB)
‘Access, Access, Access’
(This pertains to the receiving of a diagnosis, information, and support. Set against the challenges in reaching this stage, and the benefits when it is achieved.)
Perera et al. (2007)
Expenditure |
Perera et al. (2007)
Household economy ladder |
Río-González et al., 2018
Controlling expenses |
Stolldorf et al. (2016) |
Lacking resources patients |
Towers et al., 2008
Frustration |
Maree and Beckmann (2016)
‘Just live with it’: Lymphoedema the unknown and unspeakable |
Information and Knowledge Generation – sufficient vs insufficient (CB)
‘Access, Access, Access’
(This pertains to the receiving of a diagnosis, information, and support. Set against the challenges in reaching this stage, and the benefits when it is achieved.)
Río-González et al., 2018
Searching information |
Towers et al., 2008
Lack of clarity about moving to the long-term phase of treatment |
Towers et al., 2008
Being alone |
Towers et al. (2008)
Support systems |
Support Networks – Knowing where to turn? (CB)
‘Access, Access, Access’
(This pertains to the receiving of a diagnosis, information, and support. Set against the challenges in reaching this stage, and the benefits when it is achieved.)
Viehoff et al. (2016)
Environmental factors |
Watts and Davies (2016)
‘It has changed my life’: The impact of the local specialist led lymphoedema clinic |
Perera et al. (2007)
Illness |
Diagnosis – Lucky dip or serendipity (CB)
‘Access, Access, Access'
(This pertains to the receiving of a diagnosis, information, and support. Set against the challenges in reaching this stage, and the benefits when it is achieved.)
Watts and Davies (2016)
‘Nothing was done until about a year ago’: Delays in correct diagnosis |
Williams et al., 2004
Experience of lymphoedema diagnosis |
Frid et al. (2006)
Interaction with others |
Sociability, Status and Power – what are the returns (CB)
(This refers to the notion that a person exists as part of existential and relational constructs. How that is acknowledged by services and others is variable.)
Perera et al. (2007)
Impact ladder |
Río-González et al., 2018
Building relationships |
Williams et al., 2004
Experiences and dealing with lymphoedema |
Hamilton and Thomas (2016)
Hope as action |
Thomas and Hamiton (2014)
(In)visibility and appearance |
Bogan et al. (2007)
Making room |
Temporality – past, present, and future (CB)
(This refers to the notion that a person exists as part of existential and relational constructs. How that is acknowledged by services and others is variable.)
Frid et al. (2006)
The future |
Hamilton and Thomas (2016)
Renegotiating hope in the context of a chronic condition |
Thomas and Hamiton (2014)
(In)visibility of the present and future |
Tidhar (2018)
Hope |
Tidhar (2018)
Maintenance versus back to normal (acceptance vs hope) |
Bogan et al. (2007)
Turning point |
Frid et al., 2006
Dealing with problems |
Hamilton and Thomas (2016)
The objects of hope |
Stolldorf et al. (2016) |
Impacting psychosocial well-being patients |
Tidhar (2018)
Empowerment |
Viehoff et al. (2016)
Personal factors |
Bogan et al. (2007)
Nowhere to turn |
Daily Life – Remembrance (CB)
(This refers to the notion that a person exists as part of existential and relational constructs. How that is acknowledged by services and others is variable.)
Frid et al. (2006)
The physical aspects |
Maree and Beckmann (2016)
‘My arm is painful’: Living with the physical consequences of lymphoedema |
Río-González et al., 2018
Discovering physical and psychological barriers |
Stolldorf et al. (2016) |
Physical and functional impairments |
Stolldorf et al. (2016) |
Treatment and care |
Thomas and Hamiton (2014)
(In)visibility and action |
Towers et al., 2008
Burden |
Viehoff et al. (2016)
Body functions |
Viehoff et al. (2016)
Body structures |
Viehoff et al. (2016)
Activities and participation |
Watts and Davies (2016)
‘It’s a battle’: Living with lymphoedema |
Williams et al. (2004)
Lymphoedema treatment |