Table 3.
Associations of whole DNA repair gene methylation profile with clinical data of EOC patients (N=73, only significant result with P ≤ 0.01 are listed).
Gene | Age | pM | Grade a | EOC type b |
APLF | P=0.009 | NS | NS | NS |
FAN1 | P=0.007 | NS | NS | NS |
PARP3 | P=0.01 | NS | NS | NS |
POLL | P=0.0002 | NS | NS | NS |
APEX2 | NS | NS | NS | P=0.004 |
ERCC2 | NS | NS | NS | P=0.004 |
FANCB | NS | NS | NS | P=0.001 |
RAD51C | NS | NS | P=0.003 | P=0.001 |
HUS1 | NS | NS | NS | P=0.008 |
MPG | NS | NS | NS | P=0.007 |
MSH5 | NS | NS | NS | P=0.001 |
POLM | NS | P=0.002 | NS | NS |
OBFC2B | NS | NS | P=0.003 | NS |
TREX1 | NS | NS | P=0.007 | NS |
Patients divided into two groups: Group 1 (Grade 1 + Grade 2), Group 2 (Grade 3).
Patients divided into two groups: Group 1 (HGSC type), Group 2 (Other types).
Significant result after FDR correction in bold. NS, not significant.