Figure 2.
LENOX interacts with the RAP2 GTPases. A, Enrichment of LENOX or TINCR after oligonucleotide-mediated pulldown from MM011 cells. B, Top, proteins detected by mass spectrometry only in the LENOX pulldown from MM011 cells. Bottom left, selective enrichment of LENOX following RAP2 IP. Bottom right, IP of RAP2 with 1% input showing short and long exposures. C, RAP2A, B, and C protein sequences illustrating amino acid homology. D, RAP2A/B/C expression in indicated cells normalized over housekeeping genes. E and F, RAP2A/B/C expression in the above cells after transfection with indicated siRNAs compared with siCtrl by one-way ANOVA (Dunnett test). VINCULIN was used as a loading control in right panel. G, Proliferation and apoptosis following silencing with indicated siRNA and comparison with control by one-way ANOVA (Dunnett test). *, P < 0.033; **, P < 0.0021; ***, P < 0.0002; ****, P < 0.0001.