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. 2021 Jun 3;166:105430. doi: 10.1016/j.appet.2021.105430

Table 2.

Factor loadings, reliability, and validity.

Variables Standardized loadings AVE Cronbach's alpha CR
Family influence (adapted from Zhang et al., 2017) .66 .88 .89
During the Covid-19 pandemic, I often ask my family for opinion to help me decide in the shopping and consumption process. .87***
During the Covid-19 pandemic, I highly value my family's opinion in the shopping and consumption process. .87***
During the Covid-19 pandemic, my family influence me a lot in the decision-making process. .82***
During the Covid-19 pandemic, I am more likely to buy or consume what my family think is right. .68***
Peer influence (adapted from Zhang et al., 2017) .79 .94 .94
During the Covid-19 pandemic, I often ask my friends/peers for their opinion to assist with shopping and consumption decisions. .88***
During the Covid-19 pandemic, I highly value my friends/peers' opinion in the shopping and consumption process. .91***
During the Covid-19 pandemic, my friends/peers influence me a lot in decision-making process. .90***
During the Covid-19 pandemic, I am likely to choose to buy or consume what my friends/peers agree with. .86***
Social media influence (adapted from Zhang et al., 2017) .72 .88 .88
During the Covid-19 pandemic, I visit social networking sites (such as Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Youtube) about my shopping and consumption process very often. .84***
During the Covid-19 pandemic, I frequently use social networking sites about my shopping and consumption process. .92***
During the Covid-19 pandemic, I am fond of interacting and communicating with others via social networking sites to assist with shopping and consumption decisions. .77***
Covid-19 fear (adapted from Ahorsu et al., 2020) .50 .88 .87
I am most afraid of Covid-19. .69***
It makes me uncomfortable to think about Covid-19. .72***
My hands become clammy when I think about Covid-19. .58***
My heart races or palpitates when I think about getting Covid-19. .76***
I am afraid of losing my life because of Covid-19. .76***
I cannot sleep because I'm worrying about getting Covid-19. .61***
When watching news and stories about Covid-19 on social media, I become nervous or anxious. .79***
Attitude toward giving up unhealthy foods (adapted from Hausman, 2012) .65 .88 .88
In the process of Covid-19 pandemic, giving up unhealthy foods is good. .88***
In the process of Covid-19 pandemic, giving up unhealthy foods is pleasant. .71***
In the process of Covid-19 pandemic, giving up unhealthy foods is favourable. .86***
In the process of Covid-19 pandemic, giving up unhealthy foods is useful. .76***
Health consciousness (adapted from Shin & Mattila, 2019) .68 .86 .87
During the Covid-19 pandemic, I choose food carefully to ensure good health. .87***
During the Covid-19 pandemic, I think of myself as a health-conscious consumer. .86***
During the Covid-19 pandemic, I think often about health issues. .74***
Healthy nutrition (adapted from Thomsen & Hansen, 2015) .65 .85 .85
During the Covid-19 pandemic, I believe that on average, my intake of drinks is healthy. .73***
During the Covid-19 pandemic, I believe that on average, my food intake is healthy. .83***
During the Covid-19 pandemic, my daily diet follows nutritional recommendations. .86***

X2 = 830.07 (df = 327), p < .001; X2/df = 2.54; RMSEA = 0.05; CFI = 0.96; TLI = 0.95; and IFI = 0.96, ***p < .001.